Biblical Perspectives on Aging

An Adult Study Series for Individuals or Groups

The Biblical Perspectives on Aging adult study series explores the Bible’s message to us about aging and living life to the fullest. The series is designed with comprehensive lesson plans having discussion points and suggestions for a one-hour session. There are 12 sessions in the series. These can be addressed in order, or as a series of four or even by selected subjects.

Click on the image above to download the document.

Click on the image above to download the document.

The curriculum is divided into four sections with three sessions each to carry you through the year. Each session is designed for individual study or for class leaders to follow. There are many discussion starters and suggestions for engaging groups in the lesson material. Through Bible study, the class will learn of the rich heritage and tradition older adults can share, and of Jesus’ absolute love for all life. The class will delve into personal attitudes toward aging, stereotypes, and what spiritual perspectives can teach. By examining and exploring Bible passages and what they have to say, participants will develop a deeper life knowledge and understanding, and respond with an enriched appreciation of living.

It is authored by Jan Aerie, our Region’s current consultant of Older Adult Ministries, the NBA grant-funded project. Originally published in 1984 by a consortium of 8 mainline denominations, including our own, the curriculum was received to wide acclaim, and soon after made into a video series. The curriculum has been updated and revised for this time.

Take a journey into the Bible and your own inner world using this exciting guide. Share it with others in your congregation.

We would love to hear your feedback. If you would like to engage the author Jan Aerie in a lesson, series or program, please use our Contact page.

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