"Holy Conversations" Regional Lenten Council Circles Debut Feb. 18


Join your fellow Mid-America Disciples Thursday in Lent.* These will be uniquely-structured Zoom gatherings (accessible by computer or phone) to draw upon deep, holy themes facing us in these challenging times. This Season of Lent provides an outlet for naming and sharing deep thoughts and emotions of what we and our churches have experienced in this year-long pandemic, and other resulting pains from isolation, division, and strife. Our first theme explored through scripture, poetry, and individual sharing on Feb. 18 will revolve around our 2021 Regional theme of The Healing Power of Jesus.

“Holy Conversations” will be a different sort of time together using the ancient traditions of Council. This spiritual practice receives inspiration from sacred sharing at the gathering of the twelve tribes of Israel (Joshua 4; 24) and universal practices by God’s people across the spectrums of time and place.

Holy Conversations are not: a discussion group, a place to debate ideas, a place to receive or give answers or advice, or a place to be held accountable by others. Council is a place uncommon to the rest of life where you are invited to put down the many identities and roles you play, reconnect to Life itself and sink deeper into your true self. A large part of our practice of Council is telling our own stories, hearing ourselves speak in the presence of others. When we are touched, moved, and inspired by the Holy Spirit in Holy Conversation, something new is created in us that anchors these primal teachings in the personal realm of direct experience. 

Our primary motivation for these weekly Lenten rituals is inner work that expands the depth and breadth of love in Jesus Christ, ourselves, and other people. Full explanations on how the hour will proceed will be given. Using breakout room technology, circle groups will be small in the number of participants to enable full and accessible participation by all who join. We will engage in deep listening to hear what theme will emerge for the following week’s Holy Conversation.

You may access this opportunity here:

Paul Koch is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Mid-America Holy Conversations
Time: Thursdays in Lent from 3:00-4:00 (not including Maundy Thursday)
Meeting ID: 873 9876 1501
+1 312 626 6799 for phone access

*The series runs February 18 through March 18.