African American Convocation


To celebrate and keep alive the African American heritage for the young Christian as well as the whole church and lived out in Jesus’ prayer to be as one that the world may believe that God sent Him. (John 17:21)

Find a recap and photo gallery of the 2024 Convocation here.
The 2025 event will be hosted by First Christian Church in Frankford. Possible dates are April 5 or 26.

2023 Convocation Summary

Fifty Disciples from five congregations gathered at Willow Street Christian Church in Hannibal on April 22 for the first full Convocation gathering since COVID safety concerns caused cancelation or adaptation. All agreed how wonderful it was to gather again for food, fellowship, ministry reports, bible study, music, and worship. The Rev. Dr. C.W. Dawson, a Disciple, President of Dawson Journey Ministries, and researcher who has benefited from a Mid-America Reconciliation grant* was the keynoter. He shared some of his findings to the wider church for awareness and action on “Colorism and Christianity” – encouraging congregations and all people to be mindful of skin-tone prejudice and racism. Mid-America Moderator Madeline Haraway and Regional Minister Paul Koch gave a “State of the Region” report and Convocation co-coordinators Paula Holliday and LeWanda Jackson hosted and moderated the celebration. The body unanimously affirmed they want to gather next year on April 13, 2024.

*Our Mid-America Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciling Justice Ministries team accepts applications for reconciliation grants semi-annually. The next application period is open until August 1. Learn more>