Earth Stewardship Resources

Is your church a Green Chalice Congregation? If so, do you have tips toward more responsible creation stewardship? If not, have you ever thought about becoming one and committing to more deliberate creation consciousness?

Regional Minister Ron Routledge has hosted two discussions via Zoom so people could share their ideas and questions surrounding creation stewardship. (Recordings accessible below.)

Watch our Upcoming Events page for more gatherings surrounding this vital work of the Church.

Green Chalice and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) would like to hear your voice on important issues that affect their planning and programming for the next year. Please CLICK HERE to take this five-minute survey. Your individual answers are confidential, and they value your input!

Disciples Church Extension Fund can help you improve operations that contribute to a more energy-efficient building, including upgrading heaters, replacing or repairing inefficient windows, and insulating, rewiring, or weatherproofing a facility, with a green loan up to US $150,000. Learn more>

March 30, 2023