Boundary Training


We are created in and for relationships.  Life-enriching relationships, whether with intimate partners, family, friends, colleagues or parishioners, require healthy boundaries.  This workshop explores the meaning and practice of healthy boundaries in the context of ministry.  It will also identify the signs, dangers, and preventions of boundary violations, including those in today’s social media.  The workshop begins with an assumption that the complexity of relational dynamics in the congregation is one of its greatest possibilities and its greatest challenges for ministry.

Clergy with active ministerial standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) must participate in such a boundary training session every three years. The registration fee for Mid-America in-person sessions includes lunch and all distributed materials.

Any alternatives to what the Mid-America Region lists for Boundaries Training (BT) and Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation (ARPR) Training must receive advance approval for guarantee that the credits will be honored based on Regional training expectations. Contact the Springfield office with questions.

In-Person courses

Online Courses

  • The Disciples Southwest Region is offering online sessions on Feb. 22, June 14, & Sept. 6. All sessions run 10:00am-4:00pm. $50. Learn more & register>

  • The Disciples Tennessee Region is offering online sessions on Feb. 22, Aug. 23 (level 2), & Sept. 20. All sessions run 8:30am-3:30pm. $35. Learn more & register>

  • Understanding Clergy Sexual Ethics, via the Lewis Center for Church Leadership. This is an introductory level course with no prerequisites.

  • Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age, via the Lewis Center for Church Leadership. This is a second level course. Participants must have attended either the LCCL Understanding Clergy Sexual Ethics class, or another qualifying introductory level session, prior to enrollment.

Each of these LCCL courses takes approximately 8-10 hours to complete. Participants can begin any time and then have up to 60 days to complete.

Find more opportunities though our Ministry Partners in the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ on their event calendar here>