For thirty three years Disciples in Northwest Missouri have enjoyed a partnership of mutual service and support known as the Area. In 2016 that partnership will continue with a streamlined governance structure and more options for ministry and mission as together we make and equip new generations of disciples of Jesus Christ. We invite you to be part of an historic event as we gather for the final . . .
NW Area Assembly
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Wyatt Park Christian Church
27th and Mitchell, St. Joseph
9:30-9:45 am Registration
10:00 Business session
10:30 Mission Fair featuring congregations’ best missions and ministries (see guidelines here)
11:30 Worship (offering for Congregational Initiative grants)
12:30 pm Assembly Banquet (donation)
On-line registration available!
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Agenda NW Area Finances Congregational Giving
NW Area Staff Report Funding a Restructuring Region Merger Agreement