The Board of Directors of the Council on Christian Unity announces the job opening for President-Elect. Interested applicants are asked to submit a letter of interest and resume with the names and contact information for four references (including a Regional Minister for pastors or a congregational pastor for lay people). Applicants may send this information to by March 15, 2015. Please share this information with anyone you feel would be appropriate. The profile and links to other information are available on the website.
National Benevolent Association Seeking Director of Marketing
The Director of Marketing must have the ability to think strategically and act tactically to develop, analyze, manage and execute all marketing and communications functions of the NBA, keeping in priority the NBA's covenant relationship as a general ministry organization for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Find all of the information here.
Applications due by February 20th.
United Ministries in Higher Education Receives Lilly Grant
United Ministries in Higher Education (a campus ministry serving Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri) has received a grant to explore more deeply its role in helping college students reflect on faith and calling in their lives. Lilly Endowment Inc. awarded the $100,000 grant as part of its national initiative to strengthen the work of campus ministries serving public university campuses. United Ministries in Higher Education is one of 27 ministries awarded funds through the Campus Ministry Theological Exploration of Vocation Initiative.
Established in 2012, the initiative furthers a longstanding commitment of the Endowment to help young adults make connections between their academic and career choices and their lives of faith. United Ministries in Higher Education will spend the next five years establishing programs that will connect students with a pre-ministry mentoring program, the “Faith & Life Matters” speakers series, career assessment tools, and small-group discussions reflecting on careers in ministry.
The Rev. Howard Cavner, UMHE campus minister and member of National Avenue Christian Church, says the grant is a game changer for the ministry. “New partnerships continue to emerge that will allow us to assist students in discerning a call to ministry,” Cavner said. “Participating in our Lilly programs will provide students with mentoring that will enhance their education at MSU and future faith driven experiences.”
Samantha Nichols, a peer minister with UMHE and the first student to benefit from this initiative, describes the ministry as life-changing. “UMHE has helped me discern my call, given me valuable ministry experiences, introduced me to close friends, and supported me in so many educational, professional, and personal ways,” she said. “I can’t wait to see what our new, young members will accomplish and discover.”
For more than 15 years, the Indianapolis-based Lilly Endowment has been learning about the place of faith on college and university campuses and how the connection can influence the career trajectory of students. Initial efforts on faith-based campuses have been extended to large public universities.
“This initiative is enabling campus ministries to play an even more prominent role in identifying and nurturing a new generation of talented religious leaders for church and society,” said Dr. Christopher Coble, the Endowment’s vice president of religion.
About Lilly Endowment Inc.: Lilly Endowment Inc. is an Indianapolis-based private philanthropic foundation created in 1937 by J.K. Lilly and his two sons, Eli and J.K. Jr., with gifts of stock in their pharmaceutical company. The Endowment is primarily committed to the causes of community development, education and religion.
Clergy 2014 Continuing Education reports due January 31st
All clergy are required to have their Continuing Educational Report in to the offices of the Christian Church of Mid-America, Springfield, 500 South Street, Springfield, MO 65806, by close of business on January 31. Or send the filled online form to
The report form can be found online here.
The policy for Continuing Education can be found here.
Continuing Education is a necessary part of all professionals. This will help us continue to keep up with changes in direction of ministries. Anyone who has served the Church knows that the Church today acts differently from the Church of twenty years ago…are you prepared?
Part of the Continuing Education requirement is to have a course in Boundary Training. Programs are provide each year through Mid-America Center for Ministry (MCM) and Eden Theological Seminary. This course is required every five years. The dates for 2015 are:
Eden Theological Seminary February 6
MCM, Springfield, Central CC March 21
MCM, Brookfield, First CC October 3
You may register for the Mid-America Center for Ministry courses at
[Please note at this writing the dates are not in the narrative on the page,
but you can find them in the online registration.]
For Eden Seminary in St. Louis – contact Chris Davis at
Disciples Home Mission Summer Mission Internships Available
What are you doing next summer? Mission Intern Flyer
Applications for the 2015 Mission Internships are now open. Please read the following information carefully; if you feel that this summer internship may be for you, a link to the application is at the bottom of this page.
Are you looking for a faith-filled adventure? Do you imagine a life beyond the mundane, working beyond cultural boundaries, faithfulness beyond the familiar? This may be the just what you’re looking for.
On behalf of Disciples Home Missions and Week of Compassion, Disciples Volunteering seeks applicants for summer interns who will serve with mission partners across the country. With a primary focus on Leadership Development, interns will host volunteer groups in mission settings, face cross-cultural issues, engage diverse groups of people, serve in hands-on mission experiences through the church, and help church groups make justice connections between the mission site and their home churches.
Each intern can expect individual supervision and opportunities for reflection on personal, spiritual, and social justice issues. Some interns may also earn college or seminary Field Education credit, with theological supervision provided through Disciples Volunteering.
A number of placements are available, perhaps including:
Disciples Volunteering Disaster Response Mission Station
Yakama Christian Mission, White Swan, Washington
Urban Spirit, Louisville, KY
Urban Mission Inn, St. Louis, MO
Preference will be given to members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) or the United Church of Christ.
Applicants must be age 20 to 27 (as of May 24, 2015) and be available for placement without interruption from May 24 to August 7, 2015.
Each intern earns a stipend of $2,500, sponsored in part through DHM and Week of Compassion; lodging, travel and most meals are provided.
Please note that there is an early decision deadline: applicants completing their application and having all references submitted by Jan. 7, 2015 will be considered first for the summer placements, with interviews to take place Jan. 9 and 12. Placements will be announced by Jan. 16, 2015. If any internships remain, they will be filled from among those whose application and all references are submitted by Feb. 5, 2015, with interviews to be conducted Feb. 9 and 10. Placements will be announced by Feb. 13, 2015.
The application form is available here.
For additional information contact: Intern Coordinator Deb Conrad at (502) 550-1236, Josh Baird at (985) 778-6915, or Brenda Tyler at (317) 713-2642.
Applications are now being received and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until the position is filled. Qualified applicants will be contacted for an interview.
Ferguson: How Mid-America Disciples Are Responding
While Mid-America Disciples are not of one mind about the Grand Jury verdict in the Ferguson case, nearly all of us agree that racism and its institutionalization is contrary to the teaching of Jesus Christ. When black men are six times more likely to be incarcerated ( and for longer terms than their white peers (and many of those terms to be served in for-profit-prisons) something needs to change. When black shoppers are feared or suspected more often than welcomed and courteously served (, something has to change.
Racism, working its deadly way much like Ebola, polio or malaria is an infectious moral disease that is easily spread and difficult but not impossible to contain, and, like a deadly virus it must be stopped before millions more of all skin colors suffer its senseless indignities, injuries and even death.
Racism won't go away with the last of the media vans leaving Ferguson. Today more Christ-followers are joining the ranks of those open to that still small voice voice that continually advocates for life as God intends for everyone. Many are working to make reconciliation a reality. For those who have hesitated until now, unsure of what to do, today is a good day to take one positive action.
Beyond prayers for all affected by the grand jury ruling yesterday and/or by the rioting that took place last night, Mid-America Disciples are finding ways to move beyond reaction to response.
- Four Disciples congregations opened their doors last night in St. Louis to all who needed refuge, a compassionate ear or just a place to pray and someone to join with them in that prayer. Those doors will stay open as long as the need exists.
- Disciples are connecting with those who express anxiety or anguish to listen deeply - not as counselors but as neighbors.
- Disciples are visiting the Reconciliation Minsitry page ( for more ideas about taking next steps.
The Mid-America Pro-Reconciliation/Anti-Racism Team would be very glad to arrange for training-that-makes-a-difference for you and other members of your congregation. They/we can help you to become better informed and equipped to turn frustration into positive, life-affirming action in the name of Jesus. Contact Phil Smith ( or Margie Pride (
Time for Planning is Now...Continuing Education
Dr. G Mike Weinman, Mid-America Ministry Team, RCOM Coordinator
In September, I participated in the Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation Leadership Academy taking the learning community for Interim Ministry Network Training. Leigh Early, a seasons Interim and trainer for IMN, was the convener. After much conversation those in attendance urged Lee and Hope Partnership to continue the Interim Training within the Academy program. The full program will now be offered during the Leadership Academy, 2015.
As Leigh explained in an email to the previous participants:
In February [2015] we will hold another 3-day course -- just like we did in September [2014]. Same cost -- $750.00 includes room, meals, IMN materials, training and a year’s membership for Interim Ministry Network. That is a much better deal than any of the IMN sponsored events. SO WE NEED YOUR HELP letting your friends know about this event, and your perception of its value. This is open to anyone Disciples, UCC, or any other denomination as long as they realize it is part of a larger Disciples of Christ event. Naturally it will offer the same kind of schedule with Evening Meal, Lodging and opening worship on Monday Evening, opportunity for a couple extra workshops, and the full IMN FTML course. Meal and lodging continues through Friday morning Breakfast. The larger group also arranges transportation to and from the airport for anyone who flies, saving even more money. All in all it is a great deal, so tell your friends. The dates are February 23-27, 2015 (The IMN course Starts after Breakfast on Tuesday February 24 and concludes before the evening meal Thursday Feb 26th)
ALSO in September we are offering a five day course, the second course called: Fundamentals for Transitional Ministry: The Work of The Congregation. Because our time frame is longer than the Hope Partnership Leadership Academy we will need to start on Monday after breakfast, and will conclude Friday Afternoon. Details are not finalized yet, … But if the hotel price holds, and we can figure out two lunches we will be able to offer this course for about $1,150 or no more than $1,200. That cost includes room, meals, and tuition for the Interim Ministry Training, and the cost of fieldwork (which is the next 5-6 months). A regular IMN sponsored event costs $1190.00 for tuition plus meals, and lodging. So again as you can see this is a great deal. Again anyone can register, even people who have had the 3 day course from an IMN course. Again, WE NEED YOUR HELP getting the word our, about this event.
Registration for the February event is open now. The September event will not officially be open for registration until after the February Event, but anyone interest can begin the IMN portion (Reading and a form) anytime by emailing me.
We are hoping to have small scholarships available from ADIIM, especially for Disciples but not limited to Disciples. We are still working out the details.
I would also remind Disciples Pastors that there may be scholarship help available from your region or from DHM, but applications and requests need to be in sooner rather than later.
The transition period between resident pastors is a most important time in the life of any congregation. But, periods of transition can take place many times within a year of a congregation’s life. Yes, IMN training is for those who want to be proficient helping congregations through the between time transitions. Yet, I want to say to all clergy, this training will help at all times in your ministry. Whether you want to do Interims at some point later in your career, this training with its transitional understandings will help you NOW.
If you have questions about this program, please look at the web page for IMN… , or contact Mike Weinman, ,
Information for the Hope Partnership Leadership Academy…
NBA XPLOR Invites Applications for 2015-2016 Cohort
In August 2014, the National Benevolent Association (NBA) launched a brand new service residency year called NBA XPLOR. Based on a collaborative model of shared ministry that includes Disciples congregations and Regions, community-based non-profits, and the NBA, a total of twelve young adults are currently living in groups of four at three XPLOR Houses across the United States: St. Louis, MO; Hiram-Mantua, OH; and North Hollywood, CA.
The NBA XPLOR program is now inviting applications for the 2015—2016 XPLOR cohort. These new Residents would be part of the program from August 2015 through June 2016. It is expected that there will be at least seven XPLOR sites available for 25+ Residents in the second year of the program! An online application form is available here.
Applications will be processed as they are received between these deadlines:
- Early Decision Deadline: December 5, 2014, announced by December 22, 2014.
Applicant interviews and reference calls will be conducted between 12/6 – 12/22. - Cornerstone Deadline: January 9, 2015, announced by January 23, 2015.
Applicant interviews and reference calls will be conducted between 1/12 – 1/22. - Extended Deadline: February 8, 2015, announced by February 27, 2015.
Applicant interviews and reference calls will be conducted between 2/10 – 2/26.
What is XPLOR? Imagine four to seven young adults, ages 21-30, living together in intentional, simple, diverse, Christian community for 10 months. Now imagine those young adults working 30 hours a week in a not-for-profit, social service agency; up to six hours a week in a creative ministry with a local Disciples congregation, and spending several hours a week with a Spiritual Companion.
The four cornerstones of XPLOR are powerful and intentional: hands-on service/justice work; simple living in community; spiritual discernment on vocation; and Disciples leadership development.
XPLOR is committed to the cultivation of a widely diverse population; Without naming all the possible natures of diversity, NBA XPLOR believes that diversity is a major component of intentional community living and will seek to provide diversity in all XPLOR Houses. Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Training is an integral part of the NBX XPLOR spiritual and leadership development, beginning with the NBA XPLOR Orientation each August, and
lasting throughout the full 10 months.
Potential XPLOR applications could be 2015 college graduates or more recent college graduates; young adults who did not attend college at all or with only limited college work; young adults ending a time of military service; young working professionals, who are less interested in “money” and more in “meaning,” young married couples who are ready for a whole new adventure in life.
For more information email or visit
Mid-America Center for Ministry 2015 Courses
The 2015 schedule for courses through the Mid-America Center for Ministry is available and registration for some is open.
Visit their website here for more information.
Mid-America Center for Ministry Announces John Bennett and Rural Church Awardees
Mid-America Center for Ministry is proud to announce to announce that Ms. Donna Ross, former pastor of Zion United Church of Christ, St. Joseph, MO will receive the John Bennett Award for Ministry. Before retiring to Oregon, Donna served Zion as a licensed minister. While at Zion UCC she was a gifted preacher and spiritual leader. In addition, she is also an advocate for LBGTQ issues. She led Zion UCC’s Gay-Straight Christian Fellowship in planning the first ever St. Joseph LGBT Pride Fest in 2012. This since has become an annual event hosted by the community of St. Joseph. Donna is also a 2011 graduate of Mid-America Center for Ministry’s Certificate in Pastoral Ministry program.
Receiving the 2014 Rural Church Award is First Christian Church, Kennett, MO, pastored by Rev. Doug Cripe. First Christian has an active Christian education program to nurture the faith of all ages. They have discovered the joy of intergenerational activities. Numerous young families have joined the church through the evangelism and personal invitations. The congregation is also active in several community organizations, including Helping Hand (food pantry), the Community Garden, Virgie’s Place, and the Delta Children’s Home. Through volunteers, board members and monetary support, the congregation strives to help those in need in the community.
Both of these awards will be presented at Mid-America Center for Ministry’s Annual Dinner on November 7th at First Christian Church in Columbia, Missouri. Registration and welcome begins at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. Reservations for the dinner are required; to attend contact
The Mid-America Center for Ministry is an ecumenical organization with roots in the former University of Missouri School of Religion that provides basic and continuing pastoral education for pastors and lay leaders. Every year in September an invitation is extended to nominate individuals for the John Bennett Award and congregations for the Rural Ministry Awards. The John Bennett Award celebrates pastors whose work promotes social justice in the communities they serve. The Rural Ministry award is given to recognize the transformation work of congregations in rural communities. Nomination forms for 2015 awards may be requested next year from Krystal Jacobs.
Christian Ministries Scholarships Awarded
The Mid-America Disciples Women have awarded $7,500 in scholarships from the Christian Ministries Scholarship Fund for the 2014-2015 academic year. Congratulations to David Dubovich, a student at St. Paul School of theology working on a Doctorate in Revitalizing Congregations, Matthew Limback, a student at Phillips Theological Seminary working on a Masters of Arts in Ministry, and Geoffrey Weinman, a student at Phillips Theological Seminary working on a Masters of Divinity.
Says Matt of this opportunity, “My seminary education is essential to my call to continue to serve in rural areas in the Mid-America region and help congregations understand their potential and gain a hopeful future. This education would not be possible without the Christian Ministries Scholarship Fund. Because of the hard work of the Disciples Women in Mid-America, I am able to attend seminary without the burden of substantial student debt. Thank you is simply not enough, but I hope it expresses even a fraction of the gratitude I have for this scholarship fund and those that work to insure it continues.”
In response to his award, David Dubovich has a message for the committee and potential donors to the fund. “I would like to thank the Christian Ministries Scholarship Fund committee for awarding to me the scholarship as I pursue my Doctorate Degree at Saint Paul School of Theology in their Revitalizing Congregations track.
I am grateful to each and every Women's Ministry group within the Mid-America Region who faithfully contribute as well as many individuals who make the scholarship fund possible.
Without your contributions, the scholarship fund would not be made possible for individuals like me to continue my education. If you have thought of contributing to the Christian Ministries Scholarship Fund, don't delay. You will be making a difference in someone's life in helping them to respond to their calling into Christian Ministry.
Again, I want to thank you for awarding the Christian Ministries Scholarship to me, and may God bless each of you in the work that God has called you to.”
Geoff would like to say “Thank you” Mid-America Disciples Women and the Christian Ministries Scholarship Fund Committee for the scholarship. This will allow me to continue my education and to fully realize the direction God has called my life to take. The education and practical knowledge gained from seminary has given my ministry a deeper understanding of every aspect of being a minister within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). As a 4th generation Disciple, I am thankful for willingness of the church to support its members with love and gifts, allowing them to follow their dreams. I cannot express in words the appreciation I feel. Thank you again.
Applications are considered annually and must be submitted by June 30th.
Learn more about the fund here.
Make a donation to the fund here.
The Commission on the Order of Ministry Convenes
The Commission on the Order of Ministry for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Mid-America met at Community Christian Church in Jefferson City August 5-6 to review updates to the policies and criteria for standing and to interview candidates at various stages in the ordination track and those exploring candidacy.
Rhonda Aldridge (standing third from the left in front), elder in the Centennial Hills CC in St. Louis and seminary student was received into candidacy for ordination. Candidacy signifies that Disciples in the Mid-America Region enter into a covenant relationship with persons who believe themselves to have been called to serve as commissioned or ordained ministers. During candidacy the person meets with a Nurture Team, continues to engage in focused learning activities and prepares to practice with increasing competence sixteen aspects of effective ministry while also developing personal qualifications for sustainable service to the Church. Periodic meetings with the Commission allow for progress to be recognized and affirmed and needed additional effort to be specified and encouraged.
William Brown (wearing the suit), bi-vocational pastor serving Villa Ridge Christian Church (and teaching at Troy Buchanan High School), has completed the requirements for graduation from Lexington Theological Seminary. Upon recommendation from his Ordination Nurture Team and fulfillment of all other requirements and was authorized for ordination by the Commission. Minister who are ordained are considered equipped as well as called to serve professionally within the Church universal.
The Commission also granted Ordained Ministerial Partner Standing to Andrea Asselmeier (center), an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ now serving as youth minister at First Christian Church Troy. This privilege acknowledges Andrea's work in and covenant with the Disciples of Christ. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the Untied Church of Christ both employ a process whereby ordained ministers in each denomination may, after completing a course of studies and gaining approval of authorizing bodies may enjoy the privilege of seeking and serving in a call in either denomination.
Membership on the Commission is elected by the Regional Assembly upon recommendation from the Council of Areas. Mid-America Ministry Team member and Ozark Lakes Area Minister Mike Weinman coordinates the work of the Commission with help from OLA Office Manager Jeni Brown.