Isn't the logo fabulous? It's an original drawing for the occasion by our own Rev. Laura Beth Zeh, pastor of New Harmony Christian Church in Curryville. 

Isn't the logo fabulous? It's an original drawing for the occasion by our own Rev. Laura Beth Zeh, pastor of New Harmony Christian Church in Curryville. 

2018 Assembly Recap!

When: Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21 (with some pre-Assembly activity on Thursday, April 19)
Where: Hannibal, Missouri - mostly at the Quality Inn & Suites at 120 Lindsey Drive, Hwy 36
Why: Because we're Disciples - it's what we do! 

“My time has not yet come, but your time is always here.”

John 7:6 (NRSV)



The weather in Hannibal was chilly and damp but inside our Regional Assembly venue, God's warmth, brightness and joy filled our wider church's time together.  We packed every inch of space as about 250 joined us for this event.  From our Boundary Training at Oakwood CC, to our opening reception and tour at Jim's Journey Museum, to fantastic meal programs, valuable workshops for a church's ministry, energizing worship services, to a grand banquet with our General Minister and President, Rev. Terri Hord Owens preaching, many left Hannibal as happy as Tom and Huck floating on a raft down the Mississippi.

Rev. Owens spoke at the beautifully renovated Rialto Ballroom not far from the River about how Jesus approached the woman at the well thirsty but ended up giving her living water.  We Disciples too thirst for sharing God's love.  Terri spoke twice about how deeply moved she was meeting people who came especially to greet the one who is a historic first among God's children.  Pairing our Regional Assembly with our annual African American Convocation presented a unity that was articulated as being "beautiful" by many people who usually attend Convocation OR Assembly.  New friends were met!

Among business, we gladly welcome our new directors and officers of our Region who have been called to serve.  Theresa Hamilton was elected and affirmed to be our contract staff liaison with Mid-America Disciples Women, and Rev. Katrina Palan and Rev. Dr. Paul Koch were duly installed as Co-Regional Ministers as part of our four-person Regional Minister Team.

Many thanks go to all of our host congregations and pastors who stood up and stood tall to welcome us to their Riverwalk Cluster home.  Thanks also to our Convocation Coordinators, and to Capt. Terry of the Mark Twain Riverboat for hosting our banquet.  The intended cruise was grounded because of regulatory agency inefficiency, but he generously provided vouchers for a future cruise.  Many churches are already planning for their delegation to return to Hannibal for an enjoyable church fellowship event.

Dr. Paul Koch, Regional Minister and Assembly Coordinator expressed great joy for the team work and ministry gifts for all involved, clear down to the Mark Twain houses, cave lantern and corn cob pipe, white-washed picket fence centerpieces.  Jesus said, "My time is not yet come, but your Time is Now!!"

Thanks to Rev. Dr. Paul Koch for this summary of the Assembly.
Thanks also to him, Rev. Dr. Penny Ross-Corona, and Vickie & Terry Sowers for the photos.

  • Thank you to all who donated towards the upcoming Global Ministries mission work of Rev. Dr. Larry and Debbie Colvin in Ghana. A total of $1,268.36 was received!
  • Thank you to those who have already contributed to our 2018 Annual Fund campaign, which was introduced at the Assembly. The campaign is off to a great start with $6,010 received/pledged in Hannibal!
  • Assembly book.
  • Note of appreciation from former General Minister & President Dick Hamm.
  • Voting delegate information.
  • Here's the event brochure.
  • Got questions? Give us a call at (314) 918-2515 or email us at