The theme of the retreat this year is "Church: Who Needs It - REALLY?" This retreat is for all who seek to renew, reconnect, and reclaim faith. Research indicates that the Church is not dying—only transitioning along with the culture we serve. Are we in midst of another “great awakening?” (Diana Butler Bass) or are we experiencing another “re-formation?” Rooted in scripture, prayer and community, we will explore together in creative and faithful ways what it means to “Be the Church” in our time.
The leaders for our 2015 PIM Retreat are Rev. Dr. Kathleen McCallie, Assistant Professor of Ministerial Leadership and Ethics, and Rev. Dr. Mark Robinson, Founder and Director of Center for Creative Conflict Resolution.
This annual event comes to us through our partners in the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ, and will take place in the Ozark Lakes Area. It is intended for:
- local church pastors - both ordained and commissioned
- retired clergy
- chaplains
- Christian education directors
- music directors
- spouses and partners welcome!
- participation in whole event qualifies as boundary training renewal!
Find all the information here.