Fundamentals for Transitional Ministry:
The Work of the Congregation
ADIIM (Association of Disciples Intentional Interim Ministers) is again sponsoring an Interim Ministry Track as part of the Hope Partnership Event in Indianapolis September 21st through September 25th. This time we are offering the second course, also know as the “Five Day Course.”
The first course focuses on the Work of the Transitional Leader (Pastor). The second course focuses on those things the Congregation needs to address during a time of transition. Of course, as Intentional Interim Pastors, our role is to resource and equip the congregational leaders.
Attending the second course is open to anyone who attended the first course either last September or February 2015 or any Interim Ministry Network sponsored Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry: The Work of the Leader event. So tell your friends and colleagues. In fact it is not too late for a person to take the 3 day (Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry: The Work of the Leader) course through Interim Ministry Network in order to join us in September. Contact the Interim Ministry Network at or 800-235-8414.
Cost of $1,200 includes IMN Tuition, materials, faculty (an ADIIM member), and Fieldwork plus Room and Board (Monday Dinner through Friday Breakfast). Our course starts Monday at 1:00 p.m. so you have Monday morning for travel and concludes Friday at Noon (lunch will be on your own).
The cost is just a few dollars more than tuition alone for an IMN course. In addition there are scholar-ships of up to $50.00 available to ADIIM members.
Any questions may be directed to Leigh Earley at or 316-945-8005.