100% of the Christmas Offering stays right here in Mid-America to support our local ministries!
The Word from the church is to Believe in a Deeper Hope that moves beyond the “wrappings” of Christmas around us. We proclaim a Hope that brings Good News, Joy and Compassion for all of God’s people. THIS DEEPER HOPE IS MADE REAL IN ALL OF OUR REGIONS AS WE:
- Assist congregations and leaders in claiming their unique mission and ministry, and provide resources and support.
- Call, commission and ordain new pastors, and support and equip all pastors for their ministries.
- Revitalize existing congregations and plan for new congregations.
- Connect Regional Disciples to give witness to ministries of justice, hope and compassion.
- Provide camps, conferences and retreats where children and youth find hope and Christ’s love and a community of faith that embraces “everyone.”
- Make visible the care for all of God’s family through ministries of reconciliation and anti-racism.
- Call and equip passionate leaders for today’s church.
- Provide pastoral care for clergy and congregations.
Find more information, including graphics and bulletin inserts here.
Our Mid-America insert is available here.