This is the entry level Anti-racism training provided by our Mid-America Regional Pro-Reconciliation/Anti-Racism team. The schedule includes speakers, video, interactive experiences and conversation. Attendees will learn to:
- Name and understand key terms/concepts related to racism
- Describe current and historic examples of institutional racism, white privilege, civil and human rights in the U.S.
- Explore and articulate biblical foundations for justice ministry
- Engage in informed dialogue about current issues of racism and work toward reconciliation in the U.S. and in local communities
- Begin to develop personal and community-based “Next Steps” to address systemic racism in participants’ own communities.
This training will fulfill the requirement of all active clergy to participate in a PR/AR training session once every three years.
The fee for the session is $50, which includes lunch and all distributed materials. Please register online here.
Please note that the training session begins at 9. Check-in opens at 8:15.