This event is brought to us by the NW Commissioning Ministry Team. Clergy can receive up to 5 hours of CEUs depending on their level of participation. Terry Robison, member of the NW Commissioning Ministry Team has been working in partnership with the Maryville Children and Family Center for the past six months to provide this opportunity. The goal of the training is to encourage local community partnerships to be created to work together to create a spiritual and healing response to domestic and sexual violence.
This event is being presented by the NW Commissioning Ministry Team in response to requests for CEU events that are accessible to clergy in the NW part of the state. The workshop facilitator is Meghann Kosman, a Court/Victim Advocate at the Maryville Children and Family Center. The event is open to clergy with the recommendation for teams that include pastors, laity, and community members. Registrations are due by Friday, October 27. The registration fee is $10.00 to cover the cost of lunch and snacks and will be collected the morning of the training event. For event details and registration information, see the event flyer.