We are created in and for relationships. Life-enriching relationships, whether with intimate partners, family, friends, colleagues or parishioners, require healthy boundaries. This workshop explores the meaning and practice of healthy boundaries in the context of ministry. It will also identify the signs, dangers, and preventions of boundary violations, including those in today’s social media. The workshop begins with an assumption that the complexity of relational dynamics in the congregation is one of its greatest possibilities and its greatest challenges for ministry.
Our instructor is Rev. Donna Rose-Heim. She is an ordained Disciple minister and has served both in congregations and on regional staffs. She has been an installed pastor and has served as a transitional interim in several settings. She now serves as a consultant, speaker, trainer and writer. She serves as lead instructor for the Mid-America Region in providing Boundary Training for clergy. She was trained by Dr. Marie Fortune and Dr. Aleese Moore-Orbih of the Faith Trust Institute. She is author of “Dream Walking”, which she published in 2007, and “Dream Walking for Kids” published in 2011. She has led numerous retreats about the spiritual life.
Clergy with active ministerial standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) must participate in such a boundary training session every three years. The $55 registration fee includes lunch and all distributed materials.
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Other scheduled sessions include October 27th at FCC in Warrensburg. The Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ also offers boundary training that fulfills the Disciples requirement. Find their schedule here.