Friday night will be a fun activity-focused night around group fun, teambuilding, sardines, and other lock-in type fun. We will not be staying up all night (around midnight bed-time). Then on Saturday, we'll dive deeper together with small groups and activities throughout the morning. We'll eat together as a whole group for lunch and end around 1 PM.
For 8th graders, we are going touch on a little from the camp curriculum (Our Bodies/Our Faith Camp, formerly know as God and Sex Camp). We're going to hit 3 themes: 1) God doesn't make Junk (all are beautifully and wonderfully made) 2) Healthy boundaries and consent 3) The biblical diversity of people/sexuality which God created.
We are asking $10 per youth, but don't let cost stop your youth or church-attending. Please bring with you a few adults to help cover ratios, but it does not have to be gender-specific. If you have any questions or if someone from your church can help with breakfast or lunch, please contact Rev. Nick Larson. **Event flyer** **Registration form**