This Lexington Theological Seminary webinar is a wonderful continuing education opportunity for our Mid-America clergy. It is free, but registration is required.
Ministry in the red-blue divide is fraught with risks, but also offers opportunities for proclaiming the gospel and building community in profound and contextual ways. Informed by insights from her longitudinal research of nearly 3000 clergy and 1000 laity from 2017-2021, the Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade will help clergy and laity focus on insights from Scripture that can offer us wisdom in the midst of our fractured society. Based on her book Preaching in the Purple Zone: Ministry in the Red-Blue Divide (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019), Dr. Schade will introduce a “dialogical lens” for reading the Bible. Participants will examine upcoming lectionary texts using this dialogical lens which will provide sermon ideas for preachers and study opportunities for laity. Learn more and register>