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Disciples Women Gathering

Lesson 3 on April 23, from the Just Women magazine is titled ‘Divine Connections’. Scripture verses are from Exodus chapter 2 verse 4, also Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11, Exodus chapter 15 verses 20 and 21, Exodus chapter 15 verse 2, and Matthew chapter 6 verses 9 through 13. Lesson number three is by Tamaira M. Johnson from North Carolina. In her lesson she tells us to be creative and connect, make tambourines, and have a victory celebration! Some of her questions for reflection, will be how is God calling you to take a leap of faith and be bold and courageous? How has God delivered or redeemed you from the hand of the enemy? What has God delivered you from during this pandemic season? Join us for conversation and fellowship on the zoom screen April 23 at 9am.

Jennifer Long is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Disciples Women
Time: Apr 23, 2022 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 6419 4569     Passcode: 714439

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        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

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Please contact coordinator Jennifer Long at for more information about our Disciples Women’s Ministries.

Earlier Event: April 17
Easter Special Offering
Later Event: April 23
ARPRJM Training