All are welcome to join us for this monthly gathering.
Our next Bible study is found on pages 37 through 40 our author is: Awit Marcelino. Titled: Friendship Like Braided Sweet Grass, Scripture from Ecclesiastes 4:1-12.
Her questions to ponder:
Whether you've read this scripture before or it's brand new, what image, verse, feeling, or questions stands out to you in this passage today?
What is a quality or characteristic that you admire in one of your closest friends? Why is that quality or characteristic meaningful or important to you?
Can you share about a time when you were not a good friend to someone? What did you learn from that experience?
How have your friends, sisters, or community shown up for you when you needed them the most? o teach us to simplify, prioritize, and lean on him to do the heavy lifting?
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