This was the 5th year that Wyatt Park Christian Church has taken the 4th-6th graders on a "junior mission trip" during VBS. Each evening they serve in Jesus' name somewhere in St. Joseph. This year, the first 2 nights were spent working with Inter-Serv, doing a variety of tasks at 2 of their facilities. The third night was at the YWCA and then the last night was spent clearing 2 trailer loads of brush and overgrown weeds from around the home of an elderly church member.
At the YWCA they volunteered at the shelter for abused women and children. After another group from the congregation had volunteered there the month before, the church received this letter from the YWCA's Training and Outreach Coordinator:
Dear Wyatt Park Congregation,
Thank you so much for including the YWCA in your outreach for the youth mission work during VBS. The young people that represented your church are outstanding! The children were so excited to have a group come in and "hang out" and just make life simple for them if even for a little while. One of our moms said, "My boys were so excited to be able to hang out with quality men that didn't hit them. It made me realize how important it is for me to continue my process, leaving my situation." I hope your youth realize that they can make a difference with God's love and that your church has touched a family's life!
We thank you for all that you do for the YWCA!!
The congregation also purposely took the VBS program out of the church building and met in local parks with the intention of reaching neighborhood children who don't have a church home.
Thanks to Scott Killgore for the
story and photos.