Why should the church be in the rental business?
This question was a topic of discussion among the board of First Christian Church in Dexter as they considered how they utilize a home that had been donated to the church years ago. In the end they decided that, in fact, they shouldn't be in the rental business; they should be about doing the work of God.
The church decided that they should be using the property to help families in need. As several members are involved with the Regional Healthcare Foundation, this seemed like a natural place to start. The group was introduced to their Mother-to-Mother program, which provides mentoring and transitional housing to single, working mothers for up to one year, and a perfect use for the house was found!
After some repairs and sprucing up, the house is ready to serve in this wonderful ministry that will help many families for years to come.
This project was featured last month in an article by the Dexter Daily Statesman. (Please note that Rev. Mike Williams previously served in Delaware, not Maryland as the article states.) Photo by their Noreen Hyslop.