FCC in Neosho Blankets Children with Love

The outreach committee at First Christian Church in Neosho has recently started a new service program, Blankets/Socks of Love, to benefit children in their community. 

The idea sprang from the church’s involvement with the Church World Service blanket distribution program. It occurred to outreach committee co-chairs Alva Jane and Robert Allen that just as people around the world benefit from warmth and protection of a good blanket, children right in their own area could do the same.

The unfortunate reality is that even locally there are families who have financial trouble keeping their homes a comfortable temperature during the winter. A warm blanket and some fuzzy socks can really make a big difference in improving comfort. Tragically there are circumstances where children even find themselves unexpectedly unable to return to their homes and have nothing at all with them. In such a situation, a blanket helps provide a sense of security and comfort – like a hug when they need it most.

The committee is working with the school district, its Bright Futures program, and coordinators of the local food pantry to identify needs and help with distribution. 

Throughout the church the program is gaining support from Sunday school classes, youth groups, and others who have donated and even made blankets for the cause. Organizers welcome suggestions and ideas from folks who have experience with similar programs as they strive to blanket those in need with love.

Story and photo courtesy of Alva Jane Allen