A Summer of Mission for FCC in Lathrop

First Christian Church of Lathrop has had quite a summer of outreach projects for our area children, as well as those in Oklahoma.

We began this summer with "Cowboy Camp" held for our children at a riding arena in our area. This is also where Cowboy Church is held each Thursday night, and we also worked with the Holt Baptist Church, as well as people from the Plattsburg Catholic Church and Lathrop Methodist Church. A true "working together" to bring Christ to the community!

Cowboy Camp consisted of Bible study, music, crafts, food and HORSES! We met every other Saturday in June and July, with up to 17 children in attendance. We had hoped for more children, but seeing the need in some of the children who came, we can see that God sent exactly the ones that needed to be there. 

Who knows what He will have us do next!!

In addition to Cowboy Camp, a mission team of six visited Anadarko, Oklahoma to conduct Vacation Bible School for the children there. We were able to teach 25 children John 3:16, as well as to establish friendships with church members. Our pastor, Linda Buckle, was asked to speak at a Native American church in Lawton, Oklahoma one evening, and as usual gave a powerful, spirit-filled message and we experienced some beautiful music by the church family.

Last, but not least, bringing the summer to a close is our own Lathrop Bible school, held in conjunction with our Methodist Church with the theme of Joseph, Out of Egypt. Our associate pastor Michael Falgout and his very talented volunteers transformed our rooms into an Egyptian market and over 30 children learned about our history and how much God loves them!

These are just a few of the things our congregation has been up to this summer! We are learning and growing as we go, seeking to reach those in need of God's love and salvation.

Previews of upcoming events...

  • Church and Organ anniversary celebration
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Missionaries from Haiti and India
  • Just a hint of what God is doing in our church, come visit!

Edited story by Rayanne Herndon.
Photos courtesy of Jan Shrewsbury.