Extreme Dome Makeover at Culver-Stockton College


Each fall, first year students at Culver-Stockton College kick off their college experience by immersing themselves in the community through service projects during our Extreme Dome Makeover event. Students gather in the morning to hear from their peers and professors about the importance of service learning and giving back to the community before gathering in groups to actually participate in service projects.


Extreme Dome Makeover began in 2010 as a way to help individuals and families within the Canton community who have faced either physical or financial hardship, yet still find ways to make a positive impact on the community. It also helps connect the college and the town and provides first year students with a service learning opportunity their first weekend on campus. EDM goes a long way in filling the needs of both the community and our student body.  Service is also part of who we are within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination. When we serve the local community and work with our neighbors, we become part of the “movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.”


In fall 2017, students, faculty, staff, and Canton community members worked together at 17 different locations completing a variety of projects. Some groups participated in landscaping work at private residences for people who could not do the work themselves. Others painted the building exterior for the local American Legion building and front porches for senior Canton residents. Another group went to the local nursing home to spend time with the residents. There were groups that worked at local community organizations or non profit businesses such as the library and community center helping them to prepare for the fall season. One group worked at Canton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to set up a back to school clothing give away.

This event would not be possible without the city of Canton and our community volunteers working with C-SC and our sponsors. This EDM, as in years before, was a great day of celebrating, making connections and bringing the local community and the college together.

Thank you to Rev. Amanda Sorenson,
Chaplain at Culver-Stockton, for this story and photos.