On Sunday, April 23, Community Christian Church held our second Mission Day. After a short worship service we headed out on a beautiful day to work on a variety of projects that we hoped would impact and be a blessing to the community surrounding our church. One group worked on outdoor beautification work for the City of Manchester Parks Department. One group prepared and served breakfast for families staying at the Ronald McDonald house. Another group did a variety of work at Exceptional Equestrians, a non for profit agency providing equine assisted therapy for people with physical and developmental disabilities.
We had intergenerational projects going at church, including making over 100 snack bags for a local school, for children that may not be able to provide their own. With the help of some adult leaders, children made seed packets in honor of Earth Day and plates of ‘kindness cookies’ that they delivered to nearby neighborhoods and home bound members of the congregation. We are also partnering with Shoes and Hope to be a collection site for used shoes and we kicked that off as well, collecting many shoes for this local organization. When our work was done we celebrated by sharing a meal together in our Family Life Center where we shared stories and pictures from the day. Everyone declared the day a success and we will look forward to another opportunity to serve God and our community in the fall!
Story and photos courtesy of Tracey Hammack,
Mission First team member Community Christian Church