Following the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, First Christian Church of Odessa, MO desired to help. Naturally we promoted the Week of Compassion (of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as an agency prepared to assist. Donations could be sent with the assurance the gifts would be used for direct relief.
A few weeks later a member inquired regarding directly assisting a sister congregation in the Houston area. The inquiry led to a contact with a former pastor who had served in Houston for 16 years. His suggestion was to contact Peggy Edge, Coastal Plains Area Minister. The Reverend Edge then put us in contact with the University Christian Church, a smaller transforming church, who had sustained damage.
FCC made contact with The Reverend Darnell Fennell learning more about the congregation's needs. On December 3, 2017 a check exceeding $2200 was blessed during worship at FCC. It was mailed to University Christian Church the next day.
Of the $2200, a portion represented a gift from Outreach. But the majority of the gift came from individual members' contributions. We want to remain in contact with our sister congregation to learn of other ways we might be of support and assistance.
Thanks to Interim Minister Rick Butler
for this story and photo.