When Melody Wilson of First Christian Church in Windsor read in their local newspaper last summer that anybody through age 18 could stop by the school at lunch time during the summer school weeks and receive a free meal, she knew that that was a great service to many who needed such assistance. She also realized, however, that others were hungry and that they all needed help beyond when summer school was in session.
Soon the foursome of Melody, her husband Lynn, and pastor David Mills and his wife Deb got in touch with the school superintendent and with the congregation about launching a program to feed hungry people. Volunteers stepped up and members banded together to serve a total of 419 lunches over the Tuesdays and Fridays of the seven-week period last summer.
Of course those thirty people (on average) who were served on Tuesdays and Fridays need lunch on the other days as well. For next summer, the plan is to extend the program to serve lunch at the church every weekday. With the support of the local Ministerial Alliance, other congregations are getting involved and providing food and staff for the other days of the week.
This program now represents an official subcommittee of the church Outreach team and is making a big difference in this community!
Thanks very much to Melody Wilson for this information,
photos, and this wonderful ministry!