Community Socials at Wheeling Christian Church


Members of Wheeling Christian Church welcome their whole community to a ‘senior dinner’ twice a month. This ministry, which is in its third year, began as the congregation no longer had participants in a children/youth ministry program, but had more elderly members.



As the idea for a new meal/fellowship time began to take shape, members were surveyed and it became clear that the best time for such a gathering would be mid-day due to the fact that many potential attendees did not drive at night. The hope for that very first meeting was maybe 15 participants, but 35 came and had a wonderful time!


Now the dinners take place every first and third Tuesday of the month, from April to November. Volunteers plan, prepare, and serve the meals. Each meeting has about 45 participants who are not all church members, but from the wider community as well. This special fellowship time offers a good meal, bingo and other games with prizes, a celebration of birthdays and anniversaries, and a true sense of support and belonging for all.

Funded by the church initially, this program is now self-sustaining, with participants often making donations.

Thank you to pastor Leon Bryant and coordination team member
Paula Grozinger for this information and photos.