Florissant Valley CC Commissions Short-Term Missioners


On Easter Sunday, April 1, Pastor Michael Dixon led a commissioning service at Florissant Valley Christian Church for four of its members to go on an eight-day mission trip to Guadalajara, Mexico. For the last several years, Jim and Kay Christian and David and Janet Camarota have made this trip for Wheels for the World, which provides wheelchairs and other mobility aids for people who need but can’t afford them. Wheels for the World is a mission of Joni and Friends. Wheelchairs are collected, repaired, and sent to the sponsoring congregation in Guadalajara, and the team from the US works with a local team to fit the wheelchairs to people’s needs. People come from many miles around to gain mobility for children, youth, adults and seniors. Each year the Christians and Camarotas come back with beautiful stories of their opportunities to work and witness for Jesus Christ.

The congregation supports the mission by collecting free-will offerings that go for the purchase of supplies and orthopedic equipment, and through prayer.

Thanks to Michael Dixon for this information and photo.