High school youth across the Mid-America Region are excited about a culmination of a year’s worth of hard work, planning, prayer and preparation.
The 25 members of the Leadership and Development team of the Christian Regional Youth Cabinet will celebrate their accomplishments at the annual C.R.Y. Festival on July 23-26, 2018 at the Marianist Retreat Center in Eureka, MO.
Adrienne Layton of Marshall pitching in!
This team of CRY Cabinet members meet quarterly throughout the year, staying at host churches across the Mid-America Region. During these 24 hour meetings, they engage in mission and service work in the community, and occasionally justice work such as the March for Our Lives demonstration. The team also participates in leadership development training and role-playing scenarios. A large portion of the time is spent planning, praying, preparing and working together to create an annual Festival where all are welcome and celebrated. To finish off their meetings, the Cabinet attends and typically presents or leads a portion of the worship service at their host church.
The Christian Regional Youth Festival has been an integral part of the Mid-American Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for over 40 years. The Festival has historically met at one of the four Disciples of Christ colleges in Missouri, but has recently begun branching out to new locations.
Kris Milliron & Glen Clemens are also helping at this Saline County BBQ lunch service.
In 2016, CRY-goers participated in Mission First with the greater church of the United States and Canada, drawing the attention of then General Minister and President Sharon Watkins as one of few youth gatherings involved in the initiative. Mission and service now have become a priority with CRY participants, and have been incorporated into each of the quarterly gatherings and at the Festival itself. Members serve in a variety of ways: in their host communities, at organizations, in letter-writing campaigns, outdoor work, and at their host campuses.
The CRY Festival, because of its emphasis on youth leadership and spiritual development, has a significant percentage of alumni that pursue religious studies through higher education. Disciples of Christ affiliated colleges and universities across North America offer excellent scholarship opportunities for CRY alum.
Youth completing grades 8-12 are invited to the CRY Festival, where youth (and adult sponsors) lead a four-day Festival filled with abounding love, fellowship, friendship, education, worship and prayer, and plenty of fun.
The CRY Cabinet invites you to experience this life-changing event this summer! The early registration discount has been extended to June 15th so check it out and register today!
Thanks to CRY adult leader Kris Milliron of FCC in Marshall for this story and to
CRY adult leader Carole Hughes of Webster Groves CC for the photos.