Lenten Love Project of Central CC


For Lent this year, Central Christian Church in Moberly took on a new mission project. During the season when many give up something, the congregation was encouraged to pick up something – extra groceries for their local food bank.

The idea grew out of the success the church has had with a similar endeavor over the last two Advent seasons. They have participated in a ‘reverse Advent calendar’ whereby, instead of receiving a chocolate or other treat each day, they donate a food item for someone who needs it.


The church procured a list of the needed items from the local Christos Center food bank, of which Central CC was a founding congregation, and where several of their members still serve as volunteers. The twelve staple items are the foundation for each bag that the Center provides to its clients.

As a congregation, they were able to fill 71 bags which will be delivered to the Center for distribution after Easter!

Thank you to Pastor Mark Tisch for this information and photos.