FCC Mexico Helps Celebrate Recovery

First Christian Church in Mexico MO is part of a community of churches participating in Celebrate Recovery.

Celebrate Recovery is a specifically Christian 12-step program designed to offer relief from “hurts, hangups, and habits.” The program began in 1991 as a way to help people struggling with addiction or codependency. Since then, its scope has expanded and there are now meetings in churches all over the United States. According to the Celebrate Recovery website, there are now 35,000 Celebrate Recovery churches around the world.

The program is modeled on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and on eight principles based on Jesus’s Beatitudes. These are basically a restatement of the 12 steps in New Testament terms. For example, the third principle, corresponding to AA’s “Made a decision to turn our will and lives over to the care of God as we understood him,” becomes “Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control. ‘Happy are the meek.’ Matthew 5:5.” The Celebrate Recovery program is “based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.”

The group guidelines are also very similar to AA, emphasizing sharing without crosstalk, offering support over giving advice, maintaining anonymity and confidentiality, and maintaining a respectful environment. In addition to regular group meetings, members with the same problem are encouraged to form smaller groups. The members of the group act as each others’ “Accountability Partners,” keeping each other on track and away from temptation.   

First Christian has been instrumental along with Centennial Baptist and Genesis Church, all of Mexico, in getting the program started. Leaders had to go through the 12 steps and be willing to access what "Hurts, habits and hang up" they individually struggle with. Leaders for the small groups and worship times have come from these churches as well as meals for the fellowship time.

Because of anonymity rules we have not included any pictures of the group meeting.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Zane Whorton at zanew78@gmail.com.  

Thanks to Rev. Zane Whorton, pastor of FCC Mexico for this information.