Disciples Christian Church Participates in Festival of Sharing

Youth from Disciples Christian Church in Nevada, Missouri assembled twenty school kits for Church World Service. Items in the kits were donated by members of the congregation. The kits were delivered to ShareFest in Republic on Saturday, September 21 by congregation members. This is the twelfth year that the congregation has participated in the festival.

The Festival of Sharing is a cooperative response to world hunger, poverty, and injustice. These concerns motivate actions to raise awareness of the causes and generate solutions. The goal is to promote and support projects and programs by providing funding and resource goods. When people of faith come together and share, we can make a positive and powerful difference in the lives of people in need. Seven regional ShareFest events are being held throughout Missouri this September and October. These interfaith gatherings of resources connect the state of Missouri with a common goal: providing resources for our neighbors in need. 

Members from Disciples Christian Church at 125 North Prewitt volunteered at ShareFest receiving donations and loading items that were distributed to qualifying southwest Missouri agencies.

Thank you to DCC Pastor Harold Hicks for this information & photos.