Christmas Time is Mission Time at Clinton Christian Church

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The Advent and Christmas seasons have been very busy with outreach work for Clinton Christian Church.

One of their efforts is to help with the local Senior Center’s Candy Cane Project. Participants are asked to contribute gift bags filled with items needed by the Center’s clients including throw blankets, toilet paper, flashlights, first aid items, gloves, and socks. For the past two years, the church has filled and donated fifteen such bags. This year the total need rose from 115 to 150 bags, so the church contributed thirty bags rather than fifteen.


Another ministry of the congregation is to collect blankets for the homeless. Their tradition is to receive an offering of blankets instead of money at the Christmas Eve worship service. This year over 150 blankets were contributed. Thirty of those will be distributed as needed in the local community. The rest will go to Operation Chillout at First Christian Church of Blue Springs for distribution via agencies in the Kansas City area.


The congregation’s children are also mission minded, having become “Kids 4 Change.” Over four Sundays, they took up a loose change offering during worship to be donated to their local animal shelter. The total donated was $600! The congregation also provides the shelter with space at their semi-annual flea markets to promote animal adoption.

Thank you to Clinton CC pastor Rev. Tim Wessley for this information.