Mission and Transformation

What a week we had! We had the opportunity to work with our three local mission partners in Show-Me Christian Youth Home, Retrieving Freedom, and Washington Elementary. Along with these partners we served alongside with Open Door Food Pantry and Thrift Shop, Read Center Apartments, The Embassy, and the Summer Lunch Program. We had over 70 of our members involved and serving in the name of Christ throughout Sedalia. In fact, we heard one woman say, “This is just a First Christian kind of week!”

When we showed up to Washington Elementary we saw a huge 30 by 15 foot wall. This wall was painted black with wood splintering out of it, and paint chipping away. Being able to reflect upon this wall now shows me that this what many of our spirits have been like throughout COVID-19. Many of our spirits have been overcome with the darkness of depression and anxiety as we are forced to distance ourselves from one another. Many of us have seen our relationships splintered by the overwhelming amount of negativity we allow into our thoughts. Many of us can feel the darkness pulling us away from others leaving us alone – overcome by the darkness. However, as we began to serve in the community the grim darkness began to fade. The depression began to rise, and the joy of the Lord radiated throughout our community. The darkness was overcome by the beautiful light of God, and I found that much like our painting which was transformed from darkness to a rainbow, our spirits were transformed by the radiant light of Christ as we served. Therefore, I challenge you to go out and take Christ’s light into the darkness. Chances are… you will find yourself transformed as well.

Thanks to Chance McMullin for this story and photos.