On Sunday, 5 Dec 2021, Rev. Thomas Schofield of Crossroads Christian Church led the congregation in a dedication of blankets to be given to Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital. About ten ladies (members and friends) gave of their time and talent for the babies in these hospitals. After meeting for about two months they had made 55 baby blankets and 20 baby hats for Cardinal Glennon's Children's Hospital, and 39 youth tie-blankets for Children's Hospital.
The group also made 611 hearts to be used in the Neo-Intensive Care Units. Made from the same type of materials as the blankets, four hearts are given to the parents of each baby (two for each parent). The parents hold the hearts close to them for a while, then take one heart from each parent to the NIC-U to be placed on the baby. This way the baby learns to sense both parents who cannot hold the baby until it grows enough to leave the NIC-U. On the next visit the parents bring the second hearts, take home the first pair to be laundered, and repeat this process.
The Crafters’ main purpose is to serve others in need. They have also benefited from the fun fellowship while working together on their projects. Another benefit is uniting with the Crafters group at First Christian Church in Edwardsville, IL. Both groups are sharing all items with the two hospitals.
The church board approved of this project and added $2,400.00 to the 2022 budget to assist in the purchasing of materials for the project to continue into 2022 and beyond.
Thank you to Kay Marshall for this story and photos.