FCC Dexter Helping to Feed Hungry Kids


Like children across the country, low income students in Stoddard County often rely on school meals to get enough to eat. In 2013 the elders of First Christian Church in Dexter asked what happens to those kids in the summer when hot lunches are not available. That first year Tommy Horton led the elders in distributing food in partnership with the Stoddard County Gospel Mission. The mission was chosen because it was a trusted agency which already had an ongoing relationship with the children's families.

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In 2014 Feeding Christ's Children grew to become a county-wide ecumenical ministry. Tommy coordinated the efforts of area churches for several years before turning over leadership to Kellie Reese two years ago. Food items are stored in First Christian Church's Disciple Center before being packed by volunteers. SEMO electric cooperative trucks provide transportation. Completed food bags are distributed at each of the mission's three locations throughout the county including Puxico, Advance, and Dexter. Efforts continued even in the midst of last year's coronavirus pandemic.

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This year, Feeding Christ's Children is providing supplemental food bags for 170 area kids. Students receive one bag each week that provides enough for one breakfast, two lunches, and two snacks. Deliberate efforts were made to provide more variety this year. Every bag includes a different fruit, vegetable, and beverages. Total costs of this year's ministry was $4185. Purchasing staples from the SEMO food bank allowed that money to stretch a lot further.

Kim Slavings, the director of the Stoddard County Gospel Mission, reports that the kids are sometimes overwhelmed by what they receive. One student disbelievingly asked, "is this all mine?" It took some effort to reassure them that area churches cared that much about them and wanted them to have enough to eat. 

Kellie Reese says thank you to everyone who makes this summer food program possible, including the Stoddard County Gospel Mission and SEMO Electric Cooperative. Feeding Christ's Children is not just a ministry of First Christian Church. It is an example of what Christians can do when they come together across denominational lines to work together for the good of everyone in the community. 

Thanks to FCC’s Rev. Mike Williams and Kellie Reese for this information and photos.