Springfield Churches Caring for the Unsheltered This Winter


Three Disciples churches in Springfield have partnered with three other local churches to embark on an ambitious ecumenical outreach project for this winter.

The Connecting Grounds (TCG), National Avenue CC, and Brentwood CC are planning a program by which unsheltered people will have someplace warm and safe to sleep each night of the winter season, no matter the outside temperature. The current shelter possibilities in town are only available if the temperature is predicted to fall below 32 degrees. This policy leaves people to brave elements that are still potentially dangerous. Another deliberate distinction for their plan is that it is inclusive with regard to gender identity. Elsewhere, couples are sometimes separated based on gender restrictions.

In addition, the group plans to continue TCG’s practice of delivering food and supplies to people staying outside whenever it’s 45 degrees or colder.

People wanting to get involved are invited to an informational session on September 28. The project will be needing volunteers to staff both aspects of the outreach, as well as donations to help cover the estimated $175,000 worth of expenses. All churches are asked to consider their Special Offering Challenge during the last weekend of September. Learn more through local news here and here>