Prairie Grove CC partnered with Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation (OACAC) of Dallas County to help Phil (fill) the Peacock for their local food bank.
PGCC pastor Rev. Jennifer Long is pictured here (on right) with Kathy Banks, Supervisor of the Dallas County OACAC Neighborhood Center in Buffalo. Banks was thrilled that such a small congregation had so much non-perishable food for her to pick up!
The People's Pantry is a 24/7 accessible food source for those in need in Dallas County. There are no income requirements, no questions to answer, and no appointment needed. Phil the Peacock became the mascot for the Dallas County pantry to help promote food drives within the county. Since October of 2022, they have partnered with thirteen different churches, businesses, or organizations for food drives to help feed the hungry in Dallas county as food prices go higher and higher.