January 20, 2020
Mid-America friends,
As the new year begins I know you are wondering “What is going on with the Regional Minister Team in Mid-America?”
Retiring Regional Minister Penny Ross-Corona will finish up next week a month’s worth of part-time contract work helping to transition important pieces of her portfolio to our current Regional Minister Team of Ron Routledge and Paul Koch (the RMTs). Penny is also making final connections with congregations in the Search and Call Process. Over the past two months, the current RMTs have been working with the Regional Board leadership to establish a workable plan for ministry and mission in the coming year. This process has been slowed with Advent/Christmas and budget also precedent. The following is the plan for the next year or so, taking the portfolios of four Regional Ministers and dividing them up among three RMTs and new to be called contract staff. A summary:
One Interim Regional Minister called to serve in the south. We are currently in the interview process.
Contract staff will be called to serve in areas of Regional Commission on Ministry and Disciple Women. Other areas of need may be determined later.
Current RMTs Paul and Ron will realign their job descriptions. Ron Routledge will take on the administrative role of official President of the Regional Church/Corporation, budget, and some other administrative pieces. Paul Koch will take on the connections of Mid-America to the wider church – representing us with denominational and ecumenical bodies.
Paul and Ron are good with this. The creative and forward thinking approach they are taking is to be commended. We appreciate their flexibility and willingness to do things differently for the good of the Region.
Now, if any of this causes you to fret and have a smidge of anxiety, please let it go. I and other Board members have already taken on that spiritual discipline for you! It is important to note there is reason for this shift. It is called good stewardship. As we budgeted for the coming year, we found that we are not able to at this time fund fully four regional ministers while also balancing the budget. The money doesn’t come up/down stream to regional church bodies like it used to. The addition of our Annual Fund is helping to change that income flow. In a year we will see where we are.
Now, about the question you still have. Who is my RMT member?
Are you in the south? You are covered!
Are you in the east? You are covered!
Are you in the north? You are covered and won’t know anything changed!
In terms of connecting to congregations, clergy, and clusters the following adjustments will be made: Paul’s NE territory will take on the east to include St. Louis, Illinois, and south a bit toward the Lake. Ron’s NW territory will extend south toward the other Lake. The Interim will cover the entire lower south, Joplin to Kennett. If you know anything of the locations of congregations and highways between them, this plan has potential.
Congregations, clergy, and clusters that previously connected to Rev. Palan or Dr. Ross-Corona will be contacted with an updated RMT point of connection.
All three RMTs will relate to both offices as needed. Paul will be primary to St. Louis and Ron to Springfield. The Interim will live around Springfield. Office Managers Susan Moore and Jeni Brown are team players, and we appreciate their continued good work. In this day of regional ministry, we are not the only region with staff deployed and living in the general areas of coverage. The RMTs will not be at every clergy cluster meeting. The RMTs will be in communication with cluster shepherds and “super-cluster” events scheduled. They will continue to work with congregations and clergy in any way they are needed.
Remember, this is for a year. As the Board initiates a process of discernment of future staffing and ministry needs, we will also take into consideration what we have had in the past, how the present is working, and what might be for the future.
Remember, our current regional structure (when we moved from one regional office and 4 independent areas to one region with 4 co-ministers) is still rather new and is primed for a review and a discerning eye.
Board Member Rev. Jeff Moore (FCC-TROY) will head up a renewed Personnel committee – a key piece to our future staffing.
As always, please contact me or other Board members to express your questions or concerns. Your input is vital in the next steps of discernment. There will be opportunity for input through surveys/listening sessions across the Region in the year ahead. We appreciate your continued willingness to be church in an ever changing world and Region called Mid-America.
By the time we get to the Regional Assembly in October 2020, I hope there is much to share about what will come in 2021. Until then many meetings, emails, conversations, and prayerful considerations will be made. Stay tuned and keep the faith.
-Rev. Jimmy Spear
Moderator, Christian Church of Mid-America