
We Disciples of Christ have a story to tell and to celebrate! The Disciple Identity Statement we have been using for the last decade or so is a very good one and worthy of emphasizing in our congregations, along with other reminders of our history, traditions and distinctive way of being church. Most long-time Disciples will be somewhat familiar with our history and beliefs.  More recent members may know very little about our origins and how we evolved from being a part of “the restoration movement” on the early American frontier to the well-organized, ecumenically-minded, mission-oriented denomination we are today. Therefore, we invite you to observe a “D. I. D.” (Disciple Identity Day) which encourages congregations to highlight Disciple identity and history at least once a year in an intentional and concentrated way.  This could be both educational and motivating as members focus on who we are and why we are the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We are proposing that we declare February 23, 2020 as our first DID.

Here is a beginning list of resources and presentation possibilities:

  1. Study the video on “A Movement for Wholeness”

  2. Statement of Identity and Principles of Identity (in year book) 

  3. The Preamble to the Design of the Christian Church (pg 551 in Chalice hymnal)

  4. Characteristic Beliefs of the Christian Church by Robert K. Welsh

  5. Brochures and descriptions of DOC agencies and ministries

  6. Books such as:  
    “Disciples: Who We are and What Holds Us Together” Kinnamon & Linn
    “Journey in Faith” by Lester McAllister and William Tucker
    “We Call Ourselves Disciples” by Kenneth Teegarden
    “A Handbook for Today’s Disciples” by D. Duane Cummins
    “What Sort of Church Are We?”  by James O. Dukes

  7. Biographies of Alexander Campbell, Raccoon John Smith and others

  8. Include Disciple history and identity elements in worship liturgy, such as the full identity statement, The Preamble for the Design, songs such as “A Movement for Wholeness,” and “Dare to Be Disciples” by Darrell Faires

  9. Study Disciple history and identity in church school

  10. Creation of a learning fair for all ages

  11. A fellowship meal followed by a speaker versed in Disciple history or dramatic impersonations of Disciple founders and leaders

  12. Use D.I.D. as a way of relating to the church’s community through the church’s web site, social media, etc.

  13. Find more information on the Identity page of the Disciples website.

Please let us know if you plan to participate and share your experience with us!

Rev. Ron Routledge, Regional Minister

Affton CC Hosts Thanksgiving Dinner

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November 28, 2019 11:30am-2:00pm

9625 Tesson Ferry Road
Affton, MO  63123
(314) 631-5777

 Affton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) continues a community outreach project that began 11 years ago to provide a free Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Annually serving over 500 meals, the mission is to provide a festive meal and place for people who don’t want to be alone on Thanksgiving Day, or are unable to afford a holiday meal for themselves or their families. ACC will also deliver meals in a limited area to homebound community members. Those interested in meal delivery or transportation to/from the church should call ahead at (314) 631-5777 by November 26th. Over 100 volunteers come together to make this special day happen, many of whom do not attend ACC. These are simply kind-hearted souls who want to “’pay it forward.” Some local area businesses also participate by donating goods and services that supplement the ACC outreach funds designated to support this important annual event.

Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance welcomes Melissa Guthrie Loy as new Executive Director and Minister

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Following its commitment to building a just and inclusive Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) where all are welcome, the Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance has called Rev. Melissa Guthrie Loy as Executive Director and Minister. AllianceQ is excited to announce this expanded leadership role and to introduce Rev. Guthrie Loy. Melissa follows the long-term leadership of Rev. Dr. Mark Johnston who has retired from the position of Executive Director of the Open & Affirming Ministry Program and remains involved as the Open & Affirming Ministries Trainer. Melissa steps into the new role on October 1.

In the expanded role of Executive Director and Minister, Melissa will maintain the Alliance’s relationships with congregations and organizations within the Christian Church and with ecumenical partners and increase and deepen the Alliance’s long-standing commitment to anti-racism/pro-reconciliation and intersectional justice work. She will also guide the Alliance as it seeks to improve its ability and the church’s ability to respond to the pastoral needs of those who are LGBTQ+.

Robin Knauerhase, Moderator of the AllianceQ Council, notes that, “We conducted a thorough nationwide search for this next phase of the Alliance. There were several excellent candidates but Melissa’s experience, abilities, and personality clearly stood out. The Council is confident that we’ve discerned God’s will for this call.”

Melissa joins AllianceQ after serving as the Director of Congregational Life at First Christian Church in Greensboro, North Carolina, and serving as the Founding Director of Salvage Garden, a faith-based nonprofit which strives to reclaim the value of all individuals. She facilitates conversations with faith communities and partner organizations about inclusion and provides context-specific tools to meet the needs of individuals who have been “othered.” She is creator of “The Banquet: A Sensory Worship Experience” which emphasizes that all are welcome at God’s banquet table. “The Banquet” has received national recognition and is tailored by many churches to meet the unique needs of those of us with disabilities. Melissa is trained in faith-based nonprofit management by Wake Forest University School of Business and School of Divinity. She is a lecturer and adjunct professor in the area of disability and theology at Wake Forest.

“I’m eager to join the leadership and members of the Alliance so that we can loudly and lovingly proclaim the welcome of people who are LGBTQ+. A loud proclamation can be a loving gesture, one that is heard not by what we speak but rather by what we do,” Melissa says. “Setting a place at the table for all has always been a part of my call. Perhaps because I was asked to leave a leadership position in a church when I came out as gay. Perhaps because my son and I were unwelcome in a different church because of his disabilities. Perhaps because I understand God as an embodied God whose image is in every body. I didn’t spell ‘everybody’ wrong; I am intentional about affirming every single body.”

Melissa offers a greeting in a letter titled “Bridges.” She speaks of building and repairing bridges so that AllianceQ can work in intersection with other justice-seeking and anti-racist organizations within and beyond the Christian Church. “Sooner than later we will be facilitating conversation about building a bigger table, not just making room at the table.”

The Mission of the Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance is:

We, the Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance, are members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), called to join in God’s work of transforming the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) into a just and inclusive church that welcomes persons of all gender expressions and sexual identities into the full life and leadership of the church.

With a 40-year history, the Alliance has been and continues to be a prophetic presence in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Under Dr. Johnston’s leadership, the Alliance has trained hundreds of pastors and lay leaders in building inclusive congregations and has grown its Open & Affirming Ministry Program to include 200 churches, ministries, seminaries, and regions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Alliance worked for the adoption of two resolutions at the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) calling for explicit welcome to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and gender non-conforming people (GA-1327: Becoming a People of Grace and Welcome to All and GA-1929: An Invitation to Education for Welcoming and Receiving the Gifts of Transgender and Gender-Diverse People.” ].

“Along with members of our council, I have made a personal donation above and beyond my membership contribution to demonstrate my confidence in our new Executive Director and Minister and to invest in our organization’s future,” says Knauerhase. “We invite you to make a donation to the AllianceQ to show your support of and excitement for our future as we build a more just and inclusive church.” One-time or recurring gifts can be made online here or mailed to:

Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance
P.O. Box 44400
Indianapolis, IN 46244


One Year in Ghana


October 1 marks our first anniversary of serving as your Global Mission Co-workers in Ghana. In partnership with the Evangelical Presbyterian (EP) Church, Ghana, Larry serves as a Guest Lecturer at the EP Seminary, Peki and Debbie serves at the Dzake Community Health Clinic and the Peki Government Hospital in Peki.

During this first year, Larry has been teaching courses in Old Testament and Church Theology to students seeking ordained ministry and to lay leaders. He finds making instruction culturally engaging a challenge that is at once frustrating and exciting. He and the students learn together. In the coming year he hopes to introduce a course in World Religions.

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Debbie has enjoyed learning methods of treatment and working with patients which is quite different from her work in the US. She is learning where and how it may be appropriate to suggest other medical techniques being sensitive to budget and equipment restraints. Debbie has begun offering blood pressure and blood sugar tests to students and faculty at the seminary. In the future she may be developing healthcare seminars.

Thank you to all who have supported the
Colvins’ ministry with donations and prayers!

Graduation in Ghana

On June 29, Peki Seminary graduated ten ministerial students, twenty-one lay church leaders, and nine church musicians. Rev. Dr. Larry and Debbie Colvin are serving with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana through Global Ministries. Larry teaches at the seminary and Debbie works with the local health programs. Learn more about their ministry here>

Eldon Tornado Relief Effort

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The Missouri city of Eldon suffered extensive damage after an EF1 tornado went through the community on Wednesday night, May 22. As stated in an article by Fox News, "The twister started just before 11 p.m. southwest of Eldon and tracked for 13 miles. The storm packed winds of 104 miles-per-hour. The Eldon Mayor said that the tornado damaged countless homes in the city of 4,900 residents, but only one man in a truck that was flipped by the twister was hurt."

Many of the homes and apartments in the tornado path incurred extensive damage. Power outages lasted from 10 hours to 12 hours in untouched areas and up to five days in the areas directly affected by the tornado.

The Eldon First Christian Church has been ministering in Eldon since 1893 (126 years old).  Since the tornado, the church is ministering in a different way.  Responding to the devastation in this city and surrounding areas.  Pastor Bill Foglesong as well as other pastors began acting at daylight and started the process of checking on their church buildings and congregation members.  Eldon First Christian Church had no visible damage.  It is not possible to mention all the churches and local organizations that activated which included the city of Eldon emergency management. Trees were pulled off of houses, fallen trees were cut and stacked to clear the way to the home, and volunteer groups came with large equipment and cut and move trees and debris from the roads and homes to assist with those who could return to their home.  Since vehicles were unable to get into the neighborhoods or vehicles were damaged from the tornado and falling power lines and trees, non-perishable food and water was taken out to those who were unable to get to the shelter.

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The Eldon Community Center main shelter was at the community center which was running on a generator opened immediately for those displaced or those who lost their home.  Since they had power many of people came down to the center for food, coffee, water and a place to rest.  Leaders of the Eldon First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who were unaffected, came to help by collecting donations for food, water, and supplies which began flowing into the Shelter.  The two grocery stores in Eldon (one has still not been able to open due to extensive damage.) sent their cold food, perishables, meats, and many other items to feed the people since it could no longer be sold due to the power outage.  Volunteers in the Eldon First Christian congregation began cooking meals, receiving inventory, organizing meals from the donated food, and getting volunteers to serve the people for the two weeks the shelter was in full operation.  In the first couple of days, 80 meals were served at each breakfast, lunch and dinner.  As the power slowly came on the need for so many meals began to reduce.  Heather Brandt from Eldon First Christian and her team of volunteers organized all the meals to be served at the shelter from the myriad of donations and organized donors.  Heather also called on many other volunteers from all Eldon churches and individuals associated with service groups like, Serve Eldon and the Eldon Lions Club, to help with cooking and serving so many people.  At times there more volunteers than could serve and many organizations took a turn in providing a breakfast, lunch or dinner.  Many organizations sent fruit, loaves of bread, frozen food, and desserts.  The First Christian Church members worked many long hours into the night and early mornings to provide for the Shelter residents hot meals.

The Eldon Ministerial Alliance also gathered, prayed and provided community organization to address the destruction in the community.  Tornado funds were received and are continuing to support the community in many different ways.  The Eldon churches are united in caring for the Eldon folks and meeting the needs in the recovery and restoration to make this community as whole as possible.

The Local Lions club members also activated on the first day and many were active in working at the Shelter.  Many Lions spent the first 72 hours providing local relief until national organizations were able to set up stations in Eldon to provide their own specialized assistance.

Salvation Army assisted with meals and cared for the shelter folks and the Red Cross worked in putting up the shelter structure with cots, blankets as well as to determine the immediate needs of the shelter folks including emergency medications.

One of the Lions members, Dr. Kathy Vetter-Bisges, is a veterinarian in the community Eldon.  Dr. Kathy and her staff came to assess the needs of the pets affected by the storm. The dogs were as terrified as their owners. Dr. Kathy offered to keep any pet, free of charge, at her facilities and care for them until the owners were able to return to their homes.

Dr. Paul Koch called Pastor Bill to check on the church and congregation on Thursday the first day.  Dr. Koch then called Week of Compassion and told them to call the church to see what help was needed.  The Week of Compassion leader, Vy Nguyen, called the same day and worked out what they could do and what money was needed. Some houses from Eldon FCC congregation members were a complete loss or had damage from the tornado and needed assistance immediately. Our members came to their aid while others came to the shelter to offer their help.  In good Disciple tradition, when it was known help was needed, they went to the locations to offer services.

The Disciples can be proud of the Week of Compassion relief work which immediately responded to the tornado disaster in Eldon.  While there was much more damage in Jefferson City and Community Christian Church located there, it was a comfort that even our congregation members were sent help through the solidarity grants.  There will be a long time of recovery in Eldon, but Eldon First Christian Church (Disciple of Christ) responded to the disaster and served where they were needed. Many thanks to the Disciple leadership and the Week of Compassion for their support during our time of crisis. 

Going forward our congregation at Eldon FCC is running a temporary tornado recovery resource center for as long as it is needed.  “From our doorsteps to the ends of the earth” is a great motto to live by in our church community.


Submitted by, Lisa Foglesong
Member of Eldon First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Annual CWF Henry Johnson Bi-County Gathering

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On June 11 a total of twenty women gathered at the Clinton CC DOC. The group recognized and celebrated 145 years of leadership of women in the DOC. Women met many challenges as they recognized need, especially care of orphans, need for pensions for pastors, and mission locally and around the world. Listening to the Holy Spirit will guide us in the next 145 years.

A visit to the local food pantry/thrift store,the Samaritan Center was the focus of the  day. Many in the community of Clinton worked hard to make this happen. The Samaritan Center serves all of Henry County supplying food, help with utilities, and smiles. The Thrift Store proceeds support the project. VOLUNTEERS as well as donations keep this project meeting needs of the community.

A salad luncheon followed the worship time. Rev. Katrina Palan shared news and upcoming events of the Region. In September Clinton CC will host the Area CWF Assembly.

 Warrensburg CWF extended invitation to host the 2020 Bi-County gathering.


Thanks to Pat Bouse, CWF President Clinton, for this information.

News from the Colvins in Ghana

On June 10th in Accra we commissioned 20 of our students for two year probation at churches in Ghana, Togo, and Cote D’Ivore. They will be ordained in 2021. 

There was much singing, dancing, three offerings, and good food. The worship was four and three quarters hours. 

Long day. Debbie and I got up at 2:45 and left Peki around 5. Got home about 7 in the evening. 

Graduation for the 20 plus catechists, and music students will be in Peki June 29.

Our former Interim Regional Minister Rev. Dr. Larry Colvin and his wife Debbie are currently serving as mission co-workers through Global Ministries with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana. Learn more about their appointment and supporting their work

Cane Ridge Re-Vital

If we desire revitalization, what will it require of us? This is the question we are exploring with our Cane Ridge Re-Vital events. Our first one held in Richmond on May 18 was a moving experience with 12 congregations and 40 individuals coming together to experience Spirit’s inspiration. Our heart about this is to invite folks to fall in love with Jesus, fix our eyes on him, and thereby become more like him, radiating his essence through the church into the world. We have 5 more events scheduled for the Fall as follows: Savannah, Sept. 7th; Troy, Sept. 21st; Macon, October 5th; California, October 12th; Marshfield, October 19th. They are all held on Saturdays, from 10:30 – 2 pm. Please keep this revival movement in your prayers and watch upcoming newsletters for more information.

Thank you to Regional Minister Ron Routledge for this information and photos.

Mid-America Men & Friends Retreat Spans the Decades of Life


This annual important gathering returned to the beautiful Ozarks of Shannon County May 3-5. The rugged terrain and subsequent opportunities yielded many encounters for fellowship, important mission work, incredible re-creation, and especially spiritual growth found with the help of God working through each other and Creation. Each man present hearkened Jacob at Bethel to gaze upon a vast star-filled sky (which cleared up as a God-given gift after clouds covered the landscape all day) and reflect on the theme: Return to the Wilderness: God Will Speak to You; Come Hear/Here for Yourself.


New Disciples Men for Community Christian Church in Manchester, First Christian Church in Jefferson City, First Christian Church in Little Rock and Uttica Christian Church in Uttica, Mississippi were able to join us - some traveling hundreds of miles to experience something lacking elsewhere in churches and regions.

The retreat began with each man sharing a response to "why are you here and what do you want to receive from God this weekend?" As we went around the room, it was noted and each decade of mature life was represented by handfuls each of men there in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s.  (80s next year?) Occasions of mentoring and youthful energy complemented all that happened.


Next year's retreat is already scheduled at Shannondale for May 1-3.  Men are also welcomed (though contact Paul Koch asap) for the Men's Rites of Passage for June 18-24, 2019 held at the Audubon Center of the North Woods in Minnesota. Van transportation is provided. Men and women who want to experience the Ozarks and Shannondale next are invited to our Regional spiritual leaders retreat to be held at the fabulous Echo Bluff State Park resort September 27-29.

Thanks to Regional Minister Rev. Dr. Paul Koch for this story and photos.

The Universal Christ: Another Name for Every Thing

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Last week three dozen Disciples, members of the United Church of Christ, and a community group called The Mystic Misfits found a home at Southwood UCC in Raytown to enjoy a phenomenal conference featuring Richard Rohr, John Dominic Crossan, Jacqui Lewis, and artist Janet McKenzie.  Participants viewed the live conference from New Mexico via livestream.  With the planners' own parallel Council Circles for discussion at Southwood and full participation in ritual liturgies, the result was a remarkable close experience as if all were in the Conference Center themselves - and at a fraction of the cost.

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A follow-up team has been formed to continue the discussions in virtual council circles.  Rohr was in true remarkable form and the conference was delighted with his new book and church group study guide.  We await the publication of Crossan's remarkable scholarship that he shared regarding how the context of fish, fishing, fishermen in the Gospels is part of Jesus' non-violent resistance in the time of Herod.  Jacqui Lewis provided remarkable energy and freshness speaking from her context.  McKenzie brought many to tears sharing how her Jesus of the People portrait of Christ has become an icon since the turn of the millennium for The Universal Christ.  It still evokes vitriol and threats from some who call themselves, Christians.

Thanks to Regional Minister Paul Koch for this information and photos.

United Ministries in Higher Education


Did you know that United Ministries in Higher Education has been doing ecumenical campus ministry at Missouri State University for almost 60 years? Our ministry is affiliated with the Disciples of Christ, UCC, Presbyterian Church (USA), and ELCA denominations and we’ve had an ordained DOC campus minister for the last 35 years! Faithful stewardship and commitment to ecumenical ministry and to the students at MSU have kept this ministry going strong and developing the next generation of progressive Christian leaders for our church and the world. 

Please take a moment to watch our video and see what we’re up to here.

If your congregation would like to learn more about UMHE and our ministry to college students in Springfield, let us know! We’d love to come share with you! If you have students at MSU or heading our way, please help us connect with them, so we can make sure they have a spiritual home away from home. 

Rev Michelle Scott-Huffman
Campus Minister, Ekklesia MSU
United Ministries in Higher Education

Edwardsville Youth on Mission


Over Presidents’ Day weekend, the youth of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Edwardsville went on a mission trip to Indianapolis, Indiana.  We were hosted by Allisonville Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) where we spent our evenings and with whom we worshipped on Sunday.  Our mission project was at WellSpring Community Center in Martinsville, Indiana.  WellSpring provides emergency and transitional housing to families in a facility that previously housed a National Benevolent Association ministry.  The trip concluded with a visit to Christian Theological Seminary where the youth enjoyed a scavenger hunt and visit with seminary students.  Macy Sullen (Youth & Children’s Minister) says, “ “It was such a blessing to watch God use us as His Hands and Feet while we developed our own bonds, learning and working together.”

Thanks to Lead Minister Dr. James Brooks for this information and photos.

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

First Christian Church in Boonville has made a video of their children telling the Christmas story. Michaela McMullin shares how the project came to be.

At my hometown church, every year at the Christmas Eve service our pastor would show a video of kids reenacting the story of Jesus' birth. The same video was played each year, but it was always cute to see.

At the beginning of the year, our church (First Christian Church, Boonville) worked hard to build the children's program from a child or two, to a consistent ten every Sunday. The growth happened quickly and just in time for the Advent season. 

The kids have been fun, smart, and witty, and I thought they would do a great job retelling the nativity of Jesus. The Education Committee was on board with the idea, and we planned to show the video at our Christmas Fellowship Dinner. That meant we had four weeks to prepare, shoot the videos, and create the final video.

We began by reading the story to the kids during Sunday school and asking questions to make sure the story stuck. We then asked the children to retell the story the best they could when it was time to record. The children amazed me with the details they remembered and details they told me that we did not go over in class. 

Overall the project was a success. The kids can confidently tell the nativity story, the congregation was able to enjoy the faith of our children, and everyone is in the Christmas spirit even more, now. 

Mid-America Men Solarized as Souls Arise in New Mexico


The warm Southwest sun basked 300 men from across the nation and world at Soularize, an annual spiritual transformation retreat sponsored by Illuman, a ministry of the Center for Action & Contemplation and founded by Richard Rohr - a preeminent theologian, groundbreaking author, friend of Disciples, and contemplative Franciscan priest. Depth psychologist, Bill Plotkin, an equally respected leader in his field and founder of the Animas Valley Institute of Boulder, Colorado, presented and unpacked his theme, “Soul Purpose: Inhabiting Our Unique Psycho-Ecological Niche.”

By opening participants to exploring encounters of the Wilderness and mind, Dr. Plotkin was able to help men listen to ancient voices of the host Santa Ana Pueblo reservation, the cottonwood Bosque forest along the Rio Grande, the Sandia Mountains in clear view, and the importance of claiming sacred ground to find our inner sacred space. He led men through his life-changing/saving ritual of “Dismissing the Loyal Soldier” and pressed them to find repressed longings or obstacles recurring in dreams. Heavy stuff and hard work! – but so important to the people who traveled to Bernalillo, NM to grow seriously in their faith, their trust in other loving men, and to find resiliency despite obstacles in life and ministry.

Eight men from Missouri were able to ride to together to the retreat thanks to the generosity of First CC in Bolivar and Pastor Bill Nichols in lending their van. While half-a-dozen other Missouri men found their way west by other means, the shared van-ride enabled valuable processing time for the intense but joyous spiritual work. Regional Minister Dr. Paul Koch, and Reed Dressler, seminarian and youth pastor of Brentwood CC in Springfield who both attended, gladly offer themselves to share their experiences with your church men’s group.  An invitation is extended to all Mid-America Men to attend our next regional bi-monthly gathering with Illuman men at Rockhaven Ecozoic Center in House Springs, MO, Nov. 17 from 10-3.  Please rsvp to Paul at paul.ccma@sbcglobal.net or 636-221-7065 if you may be interested or want more information.  Paul will gladly transport any men from the Columbia/Moberly area to the St. Louis area for the gathering.  Dr. Koch will also share his Soularize experience at the Capital Cluster Clergy group on Nov. 8 at Community CC in Jefferson City at 10:00. 

Among Paul’s cherished moments was being able to meet Richard Rohr and to thank him for his teachings and retreats that have transformed his faith and enabled his ministry to grow.  Upon explaining to Rohr that he is a Disciples pastor, Rohr exclaimed, “Oh, the Disciples!  That’s the church that works for justice!” Rohr’s personal assistant is a Disciples layman who arranged for Fr. Rohr to preach soon at Monte Vista CC in Albuquerque.  Richard Rohr also worked alongside former GMP’s Dick Hamm and Sharon Watkins in the landmark “Reclaiming Jesus” document. 

More personally, a Hispanic man from California named Sergio, went out of his way to speak to our Mid-America delegation at a party we were hosting for a friend returning to Mexico.  Though we humbly tried to deflect his praise to us, he went out of way and made sure that we heard him. Though he served his nation proudly in the US military, Sergio has found himself not welcome in many places throughout his country. He insisted that we understood how grateful he was to be in the company of people who welcome all and who work to tear down barriers and eradicate racism. “This is what Christians are supposed to do, we are not special,” I told him. “No!” he insisted, “What you and your churches are doing is revolutionary and makes all the difference to me and my people. Thank you!” Wow! Imagine all the tears at a party.

Plans are underway for the Mid-America Regional Men’s Return to Nature Retreat (in collaboration with the Missouri Mid-South United Church of Christ) to be held May 3-5, 2019 at Shannondale Retreat Center in Shannon County, MO alongside the Current River and the Ozarks National Scenic Riverway. We will also send a delegation to the Men’s Rites of Passage held in Sandstone, MN June 19-23 at the Audubon Center of the North Woods. Soularize 2019 is already scheduled for Oct. 24-28, 2019 at the Tamaya Resort in Bernalillo, NM. Please let Paul know of your interest and we’ll work on securing transportation and financial assistance if necessary.

Thank you to Regional Minister Paul Koch for this information and photo.

Circuit Riding Preacher at New Harmony CC

Sunday, October 14, 2018 found New Harmony Christian Church of Curryville, MO worshiping in the form of an 1801 Camp Meeting Worship Service. Our morning began with member, Dennis Noel arriving on horseback as a Circuit Riding Preacher. The congregation had moved outside to witness his arrival and hear what he had to share as he explained the work and responsibilities of the early Circuit Riding Preachers. Dennis was dressed in protective coat and hat of that time period explaining why they wore such garments. Once all had heard his stories, Dennis and his dog made their way back up the gravel road to their home.

Our congregation then moved inside into the original sanctuary of this church built in 1863 to experience an 1801 Camp Meeting Worship service. Marion Branstetter started the service by singing “Circuit Riding Preacher” which told the story of that work. Pastor Laura Beth Zeh then introduced some special guests who had come to share in the Camp Meeting Worship - characters Thomas and Alexander Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, Walter Scott and “Raccoon” John Smith. They told of their journeys on the circuit and shared what had been taking place as the planning of the start of the Disciples denomination to come.  

The congregation then joined in singing “The Old Rugged Cross” a cappella. Pastor Laura Beth preached from John 15 speaking about the importance as the people come and gather to create the new Disciples movement how important it is to become friends as each binds together as sisters and brothers in Christ, the importance of prayer and lifting one another to the Lord, and communicating to learn about one another and the works to be done for the Lord.

“Jesus Loves Me” was sung for the Invitation and the service closed after The Holy Meal was shared and a love offering collected, by singing “Amazing Grace”, once again a cappella. The folks gathered then moved into the gathering room for a banquet of homemade goods that the folk had brought to share.

One of the remarks heard over and over again from various congregation members was how much they enjoyed the quiet of the service, and the focus on prayer and The Word. They embraced this experience to the depth that they have asked Pastor Laura Beth if this can become a quarterly practice and having the service outside when weather permits to be even more realistic in experience. We walk away from this experience by having more compassion and understanding what our founding families and leaders faced when coming together to worship in abundance.

Thank you to Pastor Laura Beth Zeh
for this story and photo.

Meet Our Newest Regional Minister - Rev. Ronald Routledge

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In January 2018 the Mid-America Board authorized the search for a Regional Minister to serve in the Northwest portion of the Region. A committee of seven people was established, chaired by Rev. Dr. Patrick Overton of Arrow Rock Federated Church. Group members hailed from around the Region and were charged with the task of identifying a Regional Minister utilizing the Disciples Executive Search Model. Rev. Dr. Teresa Dulyea-Parker, Regional Minister of the Illinois-Wisconsin Region, served as Regional Search Consultant. After months of work, the group presented Rev. Ronald (Ron) Routledge as their recommendation to the Regional Board, at their meeting on September 8. He was approved unanimously and will begin this new ministry with us on November 1. Below is the biographical information that was shared at that meeting.

Born and raised in Missouri, Ron married his high school sweetheart, Louise Ann and together they have four children and two grandchildren and enjoy life on a small farm in NW MO. Ron has lived in Brookfield since 2009 and loves the culture of close-knit rural communities and their unique sense of place.

Ron holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with a minor in Religious Studies from MU-Columbia. After beginning a career in business, he followed a call to ministry. Deciding to go back to school, he attended Lexington Theological Seminary where he obtained his Master of Divinity with an emphasis in congregational transformation. Since his ordination, he has served four congregations as Senior Minister and five congregations as Transitional Minister. Ron has ministered to congregations located in each of the four geographical parts of the Mid-America Region.   

Drawing on his multiple areas of interests and diverse experiences, he can connect with people from all walks of life. Following Jesus’ model of transformational leadership, Ron celebrates ministry which encourages personal, spiritual and communal growth. His personal mission statement is: “God calls me to shepherd and strengthen the Church, one congregation at a time.” He is committed to serving as a presence to enable him to bring clarity of vision and encouragement to all disciples. Ron has a strong affinity for small, rural churches and seeks to identify and support the commissioned and bi-vocational Ministers who serve them.

Excited about the rich history of the Mid-America Region, Ron celebrates the Spirit of love and generosity expressed through the many congregations we serve. As a collaborative team player, Ron looks forward to becoming part of the unique Mid-America Regional Minister Team. He sees this new approach as a healthy and creative paradigm promoting transitional and transformational ministry throughout the entire Region.

Through his leadership style, Ron maintains a strong commitment for his ministry to be close to Christ and Holy Scripture to help him nurture communities and individuals. He brings an analytical mind and a heart deeply grounded in its ‘first love.’ And he lives with a spirit of acceptance for all persons from the great diversity we enjoy as members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). 

Ron has committed his life to serving the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and appreciates the Church’s polity which provides for mutual accountability and freedom to express congregational faithfulness, in all its ways.

It Has Been a Joy (farewell letter from Dr. Larry Colvin)

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As I prepare to end my time as one of your Regional Ministers August 31, I thank God for the opportunity I have had to serve you. As with any ministry, there were the days I asked God, “What have you gotten me into?” For the most part, however, it has been a joy.

One of the best parts of my work was having the opportunity to visit churches throughout the Region, particularly in the northwest part, and to meet so many people who are faithful in prayer, study, and mission. I have enjoyed, too, working with congregations as they prepare to receive a new pastor.

Mid-America is the first Region to take a leap of faith in developing a Regional Minister team. What a blessing it has been to be a part of a team ministry! We  build ideas together, challenge each other in a loving and creative way, and support each other and our families. I am sure this will continue to be a blessing for the Region.

There are so many people I want to thank with whom I have worked. I dare not begin to name persons for the fear of leaving out some who have been so supportive. Just know, I am grateful.

Most of this past summer my wife, Debbie, and I have traveled the Region visiting churches as part of our preparation to serve with Global Ministries. We thank the congregations who have found so many creative ways to support us as we minister on your behalf for the next three years in Ghana. At the end of that time, we look forward to returning to Mid-America to share our experiences with you.

Again, I leave with much joy. In addition, Debbie and I look forward to seeing you again. In the mean time we hope you will remember us in your prayers and we will remember you in ours.

Peace in Christ,

Learn more about the Colvins' upcoming work.

A Week Beyond Belief for Faith Adventures Camp

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This year, Faith Adventures Camp celebrated its fifth year of camp fun and faith during the week of July 23rd -27th. What started out as a leap of faith five years ago for churches in the southwestern part of the Mid-America Region, has grown into a giant leap in campers, staff, and faith experiences. The Disciples of Christ camp is located at Camp Hebron, a non-denominational church camp and retreat facility, on Lake Pomme de Terre, near Pittsburg, Missouri. One of the unique features of Faith Adventures Camp is the concept of all ages at one camp in one week.  

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The 2018 Faith Adventures Camp included 121 campers, with over 50 campers in each of the JYF and Chi Rho age groups. In addition, there were 51 volunteer staff and 20 churches represented from across the Mid-America Region. This year we welcomed three new congregations to Faith Adventures Camp; Broadway Christian Church in Columbia, Ozark Mountain Christian Church in Merriam Woods, and Westlake Christian Church in Laurie.

The 2018 Theme was “Beyond Belief, with an emphasis on “What if questions in the daily curriculum.” The week ended with the questions, “What If…we speak up and What If…we could change the world?” The mission project for the week collected approximately $1,250 for Camp Barnabas located near Purdy, MO. Camp Barnabas is a unique ministry providing Christian camping experiences to people with special needs and chronic illnesses. The program exists to offer life-changing experiences to campers and to the people who serve them. The money raised will be enough for a scholarship for one camper and possibly two week-long missionaries.

Rev. Jack Daniel, pastor of El Dorado Springs First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was the coordinator for Faith Adventures Camp, running all four camps in one week. That in itself is Beyond Belief. Rev Daniel said, “Our hope is that all who attended camp, Try-It (K-2nd  Grade), JYF (3rd -5th), Chi Rho (6th-8th), CYF (9th-12th Grade) and the many adults involved, will grow in their faith through this camp experience. My personal saying has always been, ‘Come as you are...leave a changed person.’”

Faith Adventures Camp is a part of the Summer Ministries of Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ). To view this year’s Faith Adventures Camp video (coming in the near future), or for more information about Faith Adventures Camp, visit their website at www.faithadventurescamp.com.

Thanks to Barb Walsh for this story and photos.

Ministries With and For Older Adults

Choosing a priority of focus, balance and flexibility in our mission and ministry as care-ers is exemplified by an activity with feathers in a session last year.

Choosing a priority of focus, balance and flexibility in our mission and ministry as care-ers is exemplified by an activity with feathers in a session last year.

The Rickman Legacy Leadership Development Fund has provided funding for the second year of leadership training for churches across the Region who wish to address their older adult population with pro-active steps. The program on ministry models for local congregations and clusters is offered in two- to six-hour blocks depending on the church’s choices and emphasis. The event is free of charge to all congregations, but registration is required.

The programs are led by Jan Aerie, MS, family counselor and gerontologist, who has long developed and led workshops, written curricula and founded elderly advocacy organizations with churches and communities.

This fall programs are scheduled at three sites:
Millersburg Christian Church, September 30, worship at 10:30am and continuing 1 – 3 pm
Monroe City Christian Church, October 13, 9am – 1pm
First Christian Church, Mt Vernon, Oct 27, 9am - 1pm

It’s no secret that life expectancy in the US is lengthening, and with so many baby boomers, the US population aged 60 and over is “booming.” Nor is it a secret that US mainline protestant congregations are graying and shrinking. The fact is that today’s mainline churches have a large and valuable asset—their older adults.

Intentionally developing and fully utilizing the great wisdom, faith and experience of older adults is critical to the mission of churches today. Clearly, older adults are an essential resource for the Church, and have much to offer to its mission, not only in regular giving in the offering plate, but in life experience, faith formation and active involvement in the community.

It is essential for us to finds ways to develop a comprehensive plan to raise awareness and address the emerging crises in health, caregiving and faith issues, which cross generational and economic lines. There are many congregations seeking to develop more comprehensive approaches to such a ministry.

Churches who held programs last year discovered ways they could enhance their outreach and evangelism with older adults, and address concerns of their older population that they had never even thought of. They felt the knowledge they gained and the challenge they took up was well worth it.

If you are interested in holding a program or have questions, contact
Paul Koch at: paulccma@sbcglobal.net or 636.221.7065
Or Jan Aerie, aeriej@gmail.com or 216.870.1557
Register online now.

Story submitted by Jan Aerie.