Southeast Gateway Area Assembly

The Southeast Gateway Area Assembly met on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at First Christian Church in Dexter, Missouri.  The theme was “Come and See” and the focus scripture was John 1:35-42. Seventy-five people attended the event and all were welcomed and cared for in fine style by our hosting congregation.

Our opening worship was graced with wonderful music by our Assembly music group: Steve Staicoff, John Harwell, Larry Speight, and Sarah Moore who introduced themselves as “A Wing and a Prayer.” The message was brought by hosting pastor Rev. Michael Williams, who reminded us that Christ calls us to be the church in this place in this time. He went on to challenge the group to follow Christ in a new direction, not knowing what we’ll find, but being willing to Come and See, trusting the one who walks before us.

Area Minister Penny Ross-Corona made a brief presentation outlining the regional restructure proposal and highlighting all of the related documentation. Those gathered then broke out into small groups, led by SEGA board members, where all were able to discuss the proposal and how it might impact their congregations and our collective ministries.

After a delicious lunch, the business session heard a few reports and then focused on the restructure proposal. Each of the small groups that had met earlier had a chance to report comments and ask questions. Following this discussion, the vote was unanimously in favor of the proposal.

Workshops then met to brainstorm how our shared ministries like Disciples Women and Men, Youth and Outdoor, Mission, Peacemaking, Hospitality, and Clusters may evolve and flourish given a new structure. Finally, the closing worship included communion, an offering designated for new churches, and a challenge to “go forth into the new seasons of our lives and of our shared ministries…in God’s continuing presence, with the power to love and the strength to serve.”​