First Christian Church, 1302 Boone Street in Troy, began a new Men’s Program on Saturday, October 15th. The new group, established for men who have a love of antique/classic cars, trucks, and bikes, met for its first Car Cruise, with a terrific outing to Bowling Green, MO where they stopped an enjoyed lunch and fellowship together. They then returned to Troy down through Clarksville, along Route 79. The group made the decision that their new name will be “Boyz and Toyz” and George Tucker will be drawing up a logo for them. Additionally, they will be meeting at least quarterly, and will plan some field trips, parade/car show outings, and other car cruises, when the weather permits. The group is open to the public, and already there has been interest shown from those in the area. Contact the church at (636) 528-7322 for more information about future meetings.