New Building for FCC in El Dorado Springs

On July 10th First Christian Church in Eldorado Springs held a dedication ceremony and open house for its new building. The festivities included a ribbon cutting, special music, much thanksgiving, and a resolution of congratulations from the Missouri House of Representatives. Here is Pastor Jack Daniel's message from a recent newsletter:


What are the odds of a tornado striking your house? About 1 in 4,513,000.

What are the odds of an asteroid hitting your house? About one in four billion. What are the odds of finding a 4-leaf clover? One in ten thousand.

What are the odds that a church which is 133 years old would be able to build a 3600 sq. ft. addition and be debt free upon the completion of the building? I’m not sure what the odds against such a feat are, but I know it is a rare occurrence. We are so blessed! We are so fortunate!

This new building provides a much larger fellowship hall for meals, programs, and concerts. It offers the pastors and administrative assistant new office spaces. And Oh My ! The kitchen is phenomenal. Did I mention a stage to be used for such things as skits, Christmas pageants, and musical concerts?

Thanks be to God for this huge blessing, made possible by a very, very generous bequest by Nadine Hansen, other valuable contributions, and a huge number of volunteer hours by our Church folks.

Recently Church insurance provider met with our trustees and among other things, he listed the replacement value of our new addition at $ 360,000. Folks, we have spent in the neighborhood of $ 210,000. How can this be? The answer is good planning, frugal shopping, and probably around 5,000 volunteer hours given to the project. How grateful we are!

I pray that his new building will serve the needs of those in the church family now. I pray that it will provide outreach ministry opportunities to reach out to individuals in our community. I pray that it will be there for our next generations of people who meet here at 300 S. Main.