Table of Grace - A Welcoming Community

On Saturday, August 13th the Mid-America Regional Board met at Community Christian Church in Jefferson City. Rev. Michelle Scott-Huffman, pastor of Table of Grace ('nested' at Community Christian), invited the board members to remain after the meeting for their evening service.

Worship is truly centered around a table of grace welcoming persons of all age, races, and sexual orientation. Many who come each week have either never had a church experience before or have not felt welcome in the churches where they grew up.  Worship began with about 20 present but grew to about 60 by the end. The informal service included time for sharing joys and concerns, prayers for each other and the world. Children were encouraged to participate and were welcome to simply move freely.

At the table, children are invited first and freely accept being given the bread to share. It was a reminder that Jesus invited the children to him first.

Following worship, all are invited to participate in a potluck meal. Again, this was a simple feast and a time of celebration, much as the first century church might have enjoyed. 

Story and photos courtesy of Regional Minister Team Member Rev. Dr. Larry Colvin.