Lenten Activities at St. Charles Christian Church

At St. Charles Christian Church Lent has included Wednesday evening Soup & Service events. Members and friends gather for a meal, fellowship, and service projects.  The first Wednesday included working at the New Hope Food Pantry. The next gathering featured a speaker from Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County.

Most recently the group assembled Blessing Bags. The reusable nylon bags contain a variety of small food, hygiene, and comfort items, as well as cards reading "YOU MATTER" and letting the recipient know that people are praying for them. The bags were filled, put on the altar, and blessed, now ready for anyone to take and keep in the car for those times when a homeless person asking for help is encountered. 

Tonight will feature a speaker from Connections to Success and making fishing kits for Operation Christmas Child. Finally, next Wednesday will include preparations for the Good Friday Stations of the Cross event, organized by Worship Team chair Kathy Johnson and the team. This event will be an interactive Lenten experience through New Town followed by a worship service at 7:00 p.m. at The Bridge Coffeehouse. It will be open to the public and all are most welcome!

Thanks to church secretary Sherry Everett for
gathering and sending this information.