Hurricane Relief - What Can We Do?

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have left major destruction in their wake and now Hurricane Jose threatens the Caribbean and possibly southern US. We offer our prayers to the thousands who suffer the death and injury of loved ones. We offer hope for the lives that will continue to be disrupted for months and perhaps years to come.



Prayer is needed and is powerful. Yet many of us are eager to find other ways to bring relief to our suffering human family in the Caribbean and southern United States. Here is great news.  Our financial support and partnerships with both Week of Compassion and Church World Service means, we are already there and have been from the beginning! These agencies have been hard at work with other first responders providing shelter, health needs, water, and food. While there is eagerness to send clothes, or organize a work trip, we need to be patient.

Week of Compassion, on its website states, “For those who are anxious to ‘go help,’ remember it will be a while before these devastated neighborhoods are ready to host you. If you want to put you muscle to work, Week of Compassion and Disciples Volunteering have plenty of locations where work continues to rebuild from previous disasters in New Orleans, southern Missouri, Florida and elsewhere.” To know what and when to be of help following these hurricanes, continue to read the weekly CCMA news Update or consult the Week of Compassion website. You may also wish to provide financial contributions to Week of Compassion designated to hurricane relief. One-hundred percent of your designated gift will be used for direct relief. There are many ways your financial gift will assist well beyond its immediate use.

Here is an example. Because of your financial support, large quantities of water can be purchased in the local site through negotiating at lower prices. This allows more persons to receive water. It also helps a local business recover and be able to serve its community again which will provide other goods in the area. Your gift, which purchased water, now is part of the community’s economic re-development.

You may also lend support through Church World Service. You may provide hygiene kits, school kits, or clean up buckets. Simply visit the CWS website to find what items are needed and create the kits. Then either send them to the designated location or bring them to our Regional Gathering/Festival of Sharing next month! Or, you may donate the cost of kits. Yet another way to help is to donate for the cost of CWS blankets.

When the time comes to organize work trips, send us the information about the trip. In our newsletter and on our website, we can share details throughout the Region so others may support your trip with in-kind assistance, financial needs, or volunteering their skills.

Submitted by Rev. Dr. Larry Colvin,
Regional Minister Team member.
Find Week of Compassion's most recent update on hurricane relief here.