Terry Nicholas Newest Disciples Care Team Member

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Terry Nicholas of First Christian Church in Burlington Junction is welcomed as the newest member of Mid-America's Disciples Care Team (DCT). He was presented a  three-year certificate during worship on January 28 by DCT chairman, Rev. Dan Kercher (at far right), and Regional Minister Team member, Dr. Larry Colvin (second from left). Also pictured is DCT member Laurie Kercher.

DCT members provide care for and help link congregations across the region. Sometimes, when a regional minister must be in another congregation, a DCT member will be the regional representative. DCT members may also be with congregations to celebrate church milestones, provide care to the pastor and family, and keeps congregations in prayer. The team meets two times a year for training and support. Members are selected through a process of referrals by local pastors and serve for a three-year term. Most team members have a direct relationship with 3-5 congregations and visit at least two times per year.

Article by Rev. Dr. Larry Colvin
Photo by Deborah Colvin


Pictured are Laurie Kercher, DCT member; Rev. Dan Kercher, DCT chairman; Dr. Larry Colvin, RMT member; and Terry Nicholas.   [Susan - you can list the order as need by which photo(s) you select.]