Out of the Mouths of Babes...

First Christian Church in Boonville has made a video of their children telling the Christmas story. Michaela McMullin shares how the project came to be.

At my hometown church, every year at the Christmas Eve service our pastor would show a video of kids reenacting the story of Jesus' birth. The same video was played each year, but it was always cute to see.

At the beginning of the year, our church (First Christian Church, Boonville) worked hard to build the children's program from a child or two, to a consistent ten every Sunday. The growth happened quickly and just in time for the Advent season. 

The kids have been fun, smart, and witty, and I thought they would do a great job retelling the nativity of Jesus. The Education Committee was on board with the idea, and we planned to show the video at our Christmas Fellowship Dinner. That meant we had four weeks to prepare, shoot the videos, and create the final video.

We began by reading the story to the kids during Sunday school and asking questions to make sure the story stuck. We then asked the children to retell the story the best they could when it was time to record. The children amazed me with the details they remembered and details they told me that we did not go over in class. 

Overall the project was a success. The kids can confidently tell the nativity story, the congregation was able to enjoy the faith of our children, and everyone is in the Christmas spirit even more, now.