It Has Been a Joy (farewell letter from Dr. Larry Colvin)

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As I prepare to end my time as one of your Regional Ministers August 31, I thank God for the opportunity I have had to serve you. As with any ministry, there were the days I asked God, “What have you gotten me into?” For the most part, however, it has been a joy.

One of the best parts of my work was having the opportunity to visit churches throughout the Region, particularly in the northwest part, and to meet so many people who are faithful in prayer, study, and mission. I have enjoyed, too, working with congregations as they prepare to receive a new pastor.

Mid-America is the first Region to take a leap of faith in developing a Regional Minister team. What a blessing it has been to be a part of a team ministry! We  build ideas together, challenge each other in a loving and creative way, and support each other and our families. I am sure this will continue to be a blessing for the Region.

There are so many people I want to thank with whom I have worked. I dare not begin to name persons for the fear of leaving out some who have been so supportive. Just know, I am grateful.

Most of this past summer my wife, Debbie, and I have traveled the Region visiting churches as part of our preparation to serve with Global Ministries. We thank the congregations who have found so many creative ways to support us as we minister on your behalf for the next three years in Ghana. At the end of that time, we look forward to returning to Mid-America to share our experiences with you.

Again, I leave with much joy. In addition, Debbie and I look forward to seeing you again. In the mean time we hope you will remember us in your prayers and we will remember you in ours.

Peace in Christ,

Learn more about the Colvins' upcoming work.