Cane Ridge Re-Vital

If we desire revitalization, what will it require of us? This is the question we are exploring with our Cane Ridge Re-Vital events. Our first one held in Richmond on May 18 was a moving experience with 12 congregations and 40 individuals coming together to experience Spirit’s inspiration. Our heart about this is to invite folks to fall in love with Jesus, fix our eyes on him, and thereby become more like him, radiating his essence through the church into the world. We have 5 more events scheduled for the Fall as follows: Savannah, Sept. 7th; Troy, Sept. 21st; Macon, October 5th; California, October 12th; Marshfield, October 19th. They are all held on Saturdays, from 10:30 – 2 pm. Please keep this revival movement in your prayers and watch upcoming newsletters for more information.

Thank you to Regional Minister Ron Routledge for this information and photos.